Name: Police Paw Rank: Rookie Police Lvl: 6 Tool: Baton, Shotgun, Pistol, Tazer Location: Car (Back Gunner) Armor: Flak Jacket Transport: Car A)bump him B)shoot his windshield You bump him. he goes out of control and hits someone on the sidewalk. he gets back on the road and Julian shoots his windshield with his rifle. the bullet hits the radio in his car witch blows up and sends him out of control again. he crashes into a street light. hes escaping on foot! Julian A)shoot him down from the car B)chase him in the car C)chase him on foot Derek A)shoot him down from the car B)chase him in the car C)chase him on foot Police Paw A)shoot him down from the car B)chase him in the car C)chase him on foot
Name: Police Paw Rank: Rookie Police Lvl: 6 Tool: Baton, Shotgun, Pistol, Tazer Location: Car (Back Gunner) Armor: Flak Jacket Transport: Car A) chase him in the car A)shoot him down from the car!! Your chasing him in the car. Police paw shoots at him with his shotgun but he runs inside a building. Derek A)Crash into the building B)Go in on foot Julian A)Go in on foot - unless he crashes into the building Police Paw A)Go in on foot - unless he crashes into the building
Name: Derek Rank: Rookie Police Lvl: 6 Tool: Baton, Pistol, Tazer Location: Car Armor: Flak Jacket Transport: Car
Name: Julian Rank: Rookie Police Lvl: 6 Tools: Baton, Rifle, Pistol, Tazer Location: Building Armor: Flak Jacket Transport: Car
Name: Police Paw Rank: Rookie Police Lvl: 6 Tool: Baton, Shotgun, Pistol, Tazer Location: Building Armor: Flak Jacket Transport: Car
A)Go in on foot You both went in the building and the guy is nowhere to be seen. Suddenly three guys come from behind you with shotguns! Derek A)go inside and help B)crash into the building C)wait Julian A)tackle a guy B)shoot a guy C)Get to cover Police Paw A)tackle a guy B)shoot a guy C)Get to cover