Well since the last Make Your own Weapon was forgotten, I decided to revive it.Giant CorndogLevel 17 Two-Handed Arms+ 63 Strength+ 24 VitalityIt's a giant corndog you found on the road, Looks like it isn't edible, But it's great for hitting stuff though.
Quintuple Chain WhipLevel 30 Five-Handed Arms (Holy Hell, WTF?)+100 everythingThis was made to piss everyone off!
Quintriple Chain WhipLevel 100 Ten-Handed Arms (Holy shit, WTF?!)+1000 EverythingThis was made to piss everybody, Even god. Also is Quintriple even a word?...
ok so high items xD
Ultra Magma BladeLevel 30 Two-Handed Arms+320 Strength+102 Vitality+67 Speed+350 Fire PiercingA sword crafted and coated in magma...
Homemade FlamethrowerLevel 15 Two-Handed Arms+2332 Fire PiercingAll you need is a lighter, a gas can, and some duct tape...
HacksawLevel 10 Secondary Arms+10 Strength+100 Physical PiercingThis thing can be used to cut things... Even metal bars... If you know what i mean...
Flaming weedLvl 3 Primary Arms+20 Fire Piercing+10 SpeedIt's a weed you plucked after the battle.
Firetail's FIRE!Level 100 Two-Handed Arms+10000 Fire PiercingYou defeated Firetail in battle and now hold his FIRE! LOL
Moat's SwordLevel 15 Primary Arms+200% Damage Against All Undead+10 Strength+10 Speed+5 PiercingYou stole this sword from Moat...should you return it?
Owned! SignLevel 1 One-Handed Arms+10 StrengthYou just got owned...
+=Boombox Tuned To Jonas BrothersLevel 1 1-Handed Music Weapon+100000 DamageEnemy is stunned for 20 turns after you first use this, and takes 50 Shattered Ears damage each turn for the rest of the fightThis boombox blares Jonas Brothers awful music. None shall survive.
Moabarmorgamer, your posts have to make sense... Why would that be level 1?
This boombox blares Jonas Brothers awful music. None shall survive.
BFG - Big Fu**in Gunlevel 30 Two-Handed Arms+ 200 strenght- 50 speed+ 250 poison Piercing+50 Fire Piercing+20 Lightning Piercing
Holy GripLevel 30 Gloves+15 Speed+18 Strength+12 Instinct+10 Vitality+454 Cosmic PiercingBanish the darkness...
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