Well since the last Make Your own Weapon was forgotten, I decided to revive it.Giant CorndogLevel 17 Two-Handed Arms+ 63 Strength+ 24 VitalityIt's a giant corndog you found on the road, Looks like it isn't edible, But it's great for hitting stuff though.
Gloves of the GiantLevel 10 Gloves+25 Strength+20 Speed+15 VitalityGreatly made if only they would hit
Used KleenexLevel 1 Item+50 DisgustingWhy the hell would anyone program a used kleenex into a serious game like Sonny?
Item of uselessnessLevel 1 item+100 uselessWhat the heck? Its so useless...
Vomit PieLevle 2 Item+15 StrangeWhere do I come up with these things...
Item of confusionLevl 10 item+25 confusionI don't know.. Thats why i posted this....
Toucan SamLevel 29 Ally+7 Vitality+100 Fruit LoopsFollow your nose!
(My god this thread is long!!!)ZPCI Basic Combat KnifeLevel 15 Primary Weapon+10 Strength+6 Vitality+25 Speed+50 Physical PiercingA knife made for ZPCI soldiers after losing there guns
TwitterLevel 30 Status+0 StatsStalk Sonny on Twitter! That's what the site is for!
RunescapeLevel 50 Game+500 Boredom+1000 TortureThe most horrid game in existence!!!
^FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-RAGELevel 30 headgearStr + 9001Vit + 9001Int + 9001Spd + 50Invisible item (so basically there would be no visual evidence of it being equipped in battle)RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!
Team KillLevel 1 AbilityKills one of your own teammates while in a fight, you wouldn't want to use this... unless you hate your teammate of course
[b]Ultimate Sword of ChaosLevel 30 Two-Handed Arms+200 Strength+200 Vitality
[b] Ultimate Sword of ChaosLevel 30 Primary Arms+200 Strength+200 Vitality+200 Speed+200 Instinct[i] This once belonged to one of the 7 Lords of Chaos. Now it's yours.
Chocolate CakeLevel 30 item+1000 DeliciousNeed i say more?..
Staff of DestructionLevel 30 Two-Handed Arms+300 Instinct+150 Strength+150 Speed+200 VitalityThis once belonged to one of the Seven Lords of Chaos. Now you possess it. Be careful. It eats your soul.
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