Well since the last Make Your own Weapon was forgotten, I decided to revive it.Giant CorndogLevel 17 Two-Handed Arms+ 63 Strength+ 24 VitalityIt's a giant corndog you found on the road, Looks like it isn't edible, But it's great for hitting stuff though.
Reality Doesn't Matter?Level 30 SayingI guess that's what the game is all about, why are we thinking deeply into something that doesn't really matter?
Overrated GameLevel 30 ItemI don't actually like Sonny that much. I gave it 1 5/10. Why am I posting so much equipment?
AP AP AP AP AP AP AP APLevel 30 Point SystemDoes that answer your question? And really, are we really posting equipment? xD
NoLevel 30 StatusI guess we aren't really posting equipment...
Hula HoopLevel 1 Equipment+10 DistractionThis distracts you, as well as the enemy, so I'm not sure if this benefits or hurts you...
Forumlevel 1 forum ideahow much can kings (wood, iron, gold) post before being interupted by a lower rank
Bubble GumLevel 4 Item+17 Vitality+50 Distraction+40 PopBlow bubbles to distract your enemy! Just don't blow them too big; otherwise, they'll pop in your face and you won't be able to see your enemies' attacks...
Shoop FaceLevel 25 HeadwearHealth: 40Strength: 100Instinct: 500Ice Piercing: 400Shadow Piercing: 400Lightening Piercing: 400Ima firin' my lazah, braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!
Diamond DoorknobLevel 30 Door Accessory+1000 Physical DefenseThe item categories just get weirder and weirder...
Box of NailsLevel 30 Item+40 Physical Piercing+500 PainfulI'll leave it to you to decide what to do with these.
Nail Foot TrapLevel 30 Trap+1000 Pain+250 Physical PiercingIt's like a mousetrap.Put nails into this trap and it will automatically catch onto a nearby foot and pin it. *shudders*
NothingLevel 1 SetEverything 500.I can see through myself!
HammerLevel 30 Item+4500 PainfulYou can pound those nails in with this! Or, better yet, just hit people with it...
ScrewdriverLevel 30 Item+5000 PainfulLemme twist your fingers with this...
Dull SawLevel 30 Item+3000 PainfulNot great for limb-cutting...better if you just whack people with it.
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