Well since the last Make Your own Weapon was forgotten, I decided to revive it.Giant CorndogLevel 17 Two-Handed Arms+ 63 Strength+ 24 VitalityIt's a giant corndog you found on the road, Looks like it isn't edible, But it's great for hitting stuff though.
Iron BladeLevel 3 CompletionStrength + 15Physical Piercing + 67It's made of iron
Emerald Hilt JewelLevel 5 Accessory+31 InstinctIt boosts the power of magic...
fire extinguisherLevel 50 secondary armsrequire 10000 strength+100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000damage+200000000000000000000000000000000000000 fire resistancethis 10000000000kg weapon will smash your enemy to death in one hit!!!
Flaming HarbingerLevel 18 Primary Arms+1234 Strength+999 Fire Piercing+30 Other types of peircing+100 Instinct, Strength and Speed
oh yeah.. the quote... Flaming HarbingerWhen you get hit, you stay hit.Precise ScimitarLevel 17 Primary Arms100 Strength99 Instinct457 All types of peircing989 SpeedAccuracy is the key to success.
@Armourknight - those levels should be level 66.
AeonLevel 40 Two handed ArmsStrength + 400Speed - 48Cosmic Piercing + 500Vitality + 99As old as the universe...
PSPLevel 2 Two-Handed Arms+1 Strength+1 Vitality+5 Light PiercingGuess what it really stands for...
Your MOMLevel 30 Primary +100 Huge Knockers+100 Naughty+100 Wet and Wild+100 Stroking Your SwordNow Thats's a MILF.... Got Milk?
Inferno BladeLevel 30 two-handed arms+200 str-50 vit+25 spd+300 fire piercing.OW! THE FIRE! IT BURNS, IT BURNS, IT BURNS! This blade is so hot it weakens the wielder, but it is very light, and powerful.
KK.. I 4got 2 change lvls..Legendary Cracked DaggerLevel 25 Secondary Arms40 Strength10 Instinct35 PiercingLegendary, but crap- i mean cracked.
PillowLevel 1 Primary Arms +1 Strength+1 Physical PiercingPillow fight?PillowLevel 1 Secondary Arms+1 Physical DefenseDoes this help?
Warp DriveLevel 30 Cosmslogical Two - handed armsStrength - 50Instinct - 50Speed + 400Phew...it's very heavy.
Dictionarylevel 1 item+1 knowledgeDo you know anyone who has/would read this?
BackpackLevel 1 Item +5 Item StorageYou get 5 free slots for your inventory
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