@obscuredemon you should not replace earth. the reason being it has been in BOTH games so far. therefore, you're making up elements. therefore, it's failure.
Fake Element level 30 response -99999 light element
There have always been 8 elements, and the original thread used Cosmic and Earth, both of which already existed. Making up elements is really a failure. only Krin could end the argument, by saying if he is adding another element or not.
GEEZ I FEEL LIKE PUNCHING DALEKSPARTA IN THE FACE What's the chance of Krin actually implementing these? We're playing around and having fun. Jeez.
As do we all, firetail. As do we all. I mean, have you seen the True Cosmological?
is it allowed to bump?
I will not let the fail version be on top. they make up elements in there. Also I'm very gay and take this so seriously I'm probably a religous fanatic.