[b]Skill Killer Blade Of Suckyness level:75 Damage:5-10 -100,000 strength -100,000 speed -100,000 vitality -100,000 focus -100,000 magic [i] All of those hours of training to get all of those skill are now worth nothing.
Strength 1(for all the other types of enemies except normal 9999) Vitality 1(for all the other types of enemies except normal 9999) Speed 1 (for all the other types of enemies except normal 9999) Instinct-defense-piercing-focus 1 and you know what happens for all the other types of enemies except normal
When you manage to reach maximum level 9'999, a secret appears somewhere... which allows you to wield this. But you need to unequip everything else to wield this. But to reach a level that high, you'll have to give over that save slot from generation to generation for about 500 years of straight play. Good luck!