Well since the last Make Your own Weapon was forgotten, I decided to revive it.Giant CorndogLevel 17 Two-Handed Arms+ 63 Strength+ 24 VitalityIt's a giant corndog you found on the road, Looks like it isn't edible, But it's great for hitting stuff though.
Nerd TattooLevel 30 Body WearOnly for the nerds Geek TattooLevel 1 Body WearIt doesn't exist.
SpamMods and Admins are their only enemies.
Wait, does that count?
I have no idea.Mods & AdminsLevel 30 Team Player2x damage against spam.
T-rexLevel 90 AllyThought to be the king but it's not. It competes with Giganto and Spino. A really strong but stupid ally.
Fancy MicrophoneLevel 3 Two Handed Arms+1 Vitality+400000000 Sonic Piercing (sorry there is no Sonic Piercing)Looks like its only good for generally annoying your enemies
*sigh* People who have no idea of level limit and overpowerment.Book Of How To Be AwesomeLevel 30 ItemIt has 999 pages. Roald gave you it.
Tyrant Lizard KingLevel 90 AllySame as T-rex.
T-rexLevel 90 AllySame as the Tyrant Lizard King.
Firetail, You just copied Sporex's ally. He made a T-Rex ally in the last page.Firetail MadnessLevel 30 AllyHe can use his fiery powers, golden king crown, massive AP, 10,000 posts, TO DESTROOOOOOY YOOOOOOU!
Sword of God Level 95 two-handed armsstregh +512vitality +128instint +256speed +96
Riou1231Level 40 AllyThe creator of this thread. Also has god-like powers.
Lol! Didn't know i had god powers! On second though... I have RPG POWERS!!!SporexLevel 30 AllyRiou's best friend, he can challenge you to a staring contest and keep it up for days!
AGUsersLevel 30 AllyWhen all of AG's members group together, you got a lot of banning, deleting, spamming, trolling, flaming, anger and chatting, which cause sonic booms. Watch out.
WoodLevel 10 AllyHe can give people splinters. Not much of an ally, eh?
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