Well since the last Make Your own Weapon was forgotten, I decided to revive it.Giant CorndogLevel 17 Two-Handed Arms+ 63 Strength+ 24 VitalityIt's a giant corndog you found on the road, Looks like it isn't edible, But it's great for hitting stuff though.
EndoftherangsLevel 1 arms-100 to everythingAllows you to hit the enemy, 100 TIMES
Mistake Sword-100 everything you make mistakes like hit your teammates
Epic Win!Level 90 Primary Weapon+100 to all statsThis is made of the leg of Chuck Norris and the teeth of the shark from Jaws!
Mashed PotatoesLevel 1 Item+20% health-50% ThirstI need...water.
Water Bottle Level 1 Item+30% health +15 focusto clear out your thirst
Mini Nuke -500 Hp to everyoneIs that mushroom on our side?
Pineapple CannonLevel 5 Two-handed Arms+5 Speed+8 Strength+15 Physical Piercing+255 Fire PiercingPineapple sharp. Pineapple explode.
the tapelevel 1 item1 use in the whole game, instant win any batlle!3 things to say about the tape 1: use it wisely 2: cool cameo huh? 3: the music sucks
Smoke BombLevel 1 ItemIf you use it, the whole screen will turn gray, than your computer will crash.
Fire BombLevel 10 Item If you use it, your enemy will turn into flames and your computer will turn on fire too
veradaux's socklevel 2 footwear+1 vitality+200 stenchnever borrow a friends pair of socks!
Water Blaster Master 5000Level 19 Two-Handed Arms+46 Speed+55 Vitality+45 Strength+1943 Water Piercing-250 Lighting DefenseThis is the ultimate water gun. It is rumored that it out out an entire house fire and saved five people's lives. Use it wisely. This gun when equiped dispells all fire type ailments. Although, it makes you weak to electricity.
Computer RebootLevel 5 ItemMake sure to save before using it. When used, your computer will restart. Reload Sonny 2 again and you should have won that battle!
DipstickLevel 30 Primary Arms+3500 EverythingTHAT'S THINKING WITH YOUR DIPSTICK!!!
ChipsLevel 1 Item +1 health +1 focus lets eat!
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