Well since the last Make Your own Weapon was forgotten, I decided to revive it.Giant CorndogLevel 17 Two-Handed Arms+ 63 Strength+ 24 VitalityIt's a giant corndog you found on the road, Looks like it isn't edible, But it's great for hitting stuff though.
Game of PokerLevel 10 GambleRequires poker chips to play.Put in your money.50% chance = double money50% chance = all money gone
Alarm ClockLevel 10 Annoying+10 InstinctUse this while enemy is stun to unstun them and do qudruple the damage
TimeStunLevel 30 AbilityStuns the enemy for the amount of turns based on the hour in the game clock (3 o clock, 3 turns, 12 o clock, 12 turns) All damage done to the enemy within that time is reduced by 50%.
I dont like the timestun idea :S its cool but then people will stay up till like 12 and use it frequently until it turns one and theyl be all Annoyed
Then they don't use it :P
oh xD ok ummmmCordless mouse flaillevel 30 Primary Arms*Requires 200 instinct*+300 Strength+300 Earth Piercingit maybe a cordless mouse but its still got power!
Splash Machine GunLevel 30 Two-Handed Arms+10 Speed+5 Strength+5 Instinct+10 Vitality+100 Fire PiercingHits every enemy on the battlefield twice per turn, but costs double focus to use abilities.
Pencil Level 10 Primary/Secondary Arms +10 Instinct +50 Speed-10 Strength well, lets use this as a dagger
MarkerLevel 1 School Stuff+1 instinct+1 Speed[i]:eaves a mark on unit wwith 50% of unit not liking the mark and getting 50X your Strength of damage each turn
Red PenLevel 30 ItemIt slashes the enemy with permanent red blood marks.
Fountain PenLevel 15 ItemI suppose you could sell it for money...
Gold PenLevel 30 ItemSell it for tons of cash!
Gold Fountain PenLevel 30 ItemSell it for even more cash!
Blinding Shiny Gold Fountain Pen of all Gold PensLevel 30 ItemSell it for all the cash in the world!!!!
All The Cash In The WorldWhy don't you just take this...
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