Well since the last Make Your own Weapon was forgotten, I decided to revive it.Giant CorndogLevel 17 Two-Handed Arms+ 63 Strength+ 24 VitalityIt's a giant corndog you found on the road, Looks like it isn't edible, But it's great for hitting stuff though.
KinkajouLevel 30 Arms+500 Strength+100 instinct+200 speedYou throw a kinkajou at the enemy, them not even knowing what a kinkajou is- they run away fearing its a dragon hatchling being followed by its mighty mother.
Random Blunt ObjectLevel 2 Primary Arms+1 VitalityAny random blunt object lying around. Hit or throw it at your enemy, depending on the object.
Dragon Hatchling Followed by a mighty motherLevel 30 AlliesMaybe it's true!
KrinLevel 30 AllyCan pretty much do whatever he wants
Polar BearLevel 30 AllyThe mighty Polar Bear can take down a Killer Whale, drag it to the surface, and eat it! It's also the largest carnivore on land!
Polar Bear on SteroidsLevel 30 AllyThose land carnivores have got it sold...
Polar Bear on Super SteroidsLevel 30 AllyUnimaginably powerful. Now that it is half the size of a blue whale, it now can kill almost anything!
Orca Whale on Ultra SteroidsLevel 30 AllyEat polar bears, anyone?
Blue Whale on Ultra Mega SteroidsLevel 30 AllyNow 5 times the size of a normal Blue whale. Extremely large!
Godzilla on Super Mega Ultra Steroids and Testosterone
BB-Code PhailLevel 30 PhailIt's all around you.Godzilla on Super Mega Ultra Steroids and TestosteroneLevel 30 AllyHOLY SH**!!! This thing can punch a hole in the universe it's so powerful.
Poop on SteroidsLevel 2 AllyPoop. Only stronger. In stench.
Why would poop be lvl 2???? did it like Fight to get exp? or was it just Crapped like that???Lifelevel 0 SkillGet one
oven mitslevel 5 gloves+150 fire defensecant feel the heet anymore!
Fiery PaperLevel 30 Secondary arms+300 instinct+500 Fire piercingIt says...Put down the cool... And feel the HeatI made that saying up and its MINE
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