Well since the last Make Your own Weapon was forgotten, I decided to revive it.Giant CorndogLevel 17 Two-Handed Arms+ 63 Strength+ 24 VitalityIt's a giant corndog you found on the road, Looks like it isn't edible, But it's great for hitting stuff though.
Sonny 2Level 28 GameYour supposed to be playing this game, yet you have it in your inventory. SERVER OVERLOAD!
Defensive Turretlevel 11 Stationary+500 all piercing defense+10 Strength-20 speedVery good for weak allies wich dont need to move to attack
Injection GunLevel 20 WeaponInjects your enemy with a poison, killing them anywhere between 3-15 turns
Poison AbsorbLevel 30 BodywearAll poison attacks and poison debuffs heal the victim for the damage they are supposed to do.
Giant Mutant AntLevel 30 AllyAble to bite the heads off of an enemy
Giant Giant Mutant AntLevel 30 AllyAble to bite the heads off of a Giant Mutant Ant.
Giant Giant Mutant AnteaterLevel 30 AllyAble to eat Giant Giant Mutant Ants
Gigantacus AlligatorLevel 30 AllyAble to chomp giant giant mutant anteater.
Enormous Alligator with Laser Beam Attached to its HeadLevel 30 AllyLarger than the Gigantacus Alligator, it is able to fight it off and shoot it with the laser beams.
Mr. Humongous CowLevel 30 AllyStomp and people go "BOOM"
Mad Cow DiseaseLevel 30 DiseaseInfects cows of all sizes
Cow MaskLevel 30 Disease DefenseProtects against mad cow disease. Instead, the effects of extra strength from the disease get put into the cow.
Humongous Black PantherLevel 30 Ally[i]Predator to many animals(including cows) is able to attack enemy with teeth and claws[/quote]
NukeLevel 30 One-use explosiveAnimal size problems solved.
Radiation GunLevel 20 WeaponAttacks enemy for 200% of your instinct. Enemy also continues to lose health equivalent to 100% of your strength and 50% of your speed per turn for 10 turns.
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