Hi everyone, im new here but im looking for a way to contribute whit AG making a game... Im a artist wannabe looking for a programer to do a nice game... something relly good and mostly a big project... i dont need an expert (even wen one would be relly nice xD) i just need someone that can make scripts run (unlike me...) i have some samples of my "art" if anyone is interested, i can emulate many stiles and i have a lot of free time (i just graduated).
Ok those are mostly made whit pen, not pretty good but i never have been good drawing whit those things.
These are made whit photoshop and only the first one is finished, probably ill never finish any of those...
Well i hope everyone liked them and if anyone is interested please contact me via pm or in this post even a profile coment would work xD good night and srry for my english... i know it sucks...
well just giving out your idea on the internet where every one with a computer can take them.... Anybody could take this pics and make there own game and give you no credit! :O
Well Gametesta actually i dunt care xD I hate those ones and if anyone wanna use then i dunt care at all... Anyways those are just random so i doubt that anyone could make a game of that...
About Cap i think its legal and i have to admidt that is tempting me but it sounds plain too weird xD and i guess by ur username that ure male what make everything even more wierd.
Prid thanks a lot pal i want a pretty simple game xP some platforms and that kind of stuff if u can help me i would be really thankfull.
Those are really nice, especially the Hellsing ones. I actually thought at first you simply scanned and then posted them! (sorry for that, but they were that good ^^; oops!)
I actually thought you already had some sort of idea ready for a game, and some simple sketches to show the general idea... So you can see it wasn't really what I expected
Anyway, as far as creating the game, I can help out with a lot of programming issues you or your (future) partner might have - I'm too busy with my own project to actually script the whole game for you though. But if you already have ideas for a game, let's hear 'em! We can all then help to smooth the rough edges and create the best you can think of
Well i have the idea but i guess that "i stole the idea" would be a lil bit more accurate xD
I were thinking in something Spore stile (a maxis game) based on a game that is already in AG called "how to raise a dragon" i think the idea is great but would be xpanded addin new kind of dragons, more stages, predators, a few new scenarios, a need for food, a diferent history and a loooot more things i have on my mind, but i have to say that i have this urge to make a game just because i dunt like the grafics of the original one xD
Of course we wont steal anything from anyone it is just BASED not a copy or an upgrade, its a pet stile game of a dragon thats all...
Those are actually pretty good. I'm still learning AS2 and AS3 but I'm gonna add you as a friend, once Ive learned enough to start making games ill shoot ya a message