I actually figure out that movieClips made in actionscript 3.0 were playing before the addChild(); and even after being dispatched from the DisplayList. I have never heard or read something about this. Is this common or have I just faced a new issue?
I made a little test to show what I mean: http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahd0bc4/n/movieCliptest_fla
I've never really come across this problem before, but that's because I never create the new instance of the MovieClip unless I'm adding it to the stage as well
i.e. var myMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); addChild(myMC);
If for some reason you don't do so you could always just put a stop(); on frame one, and then when you addChild(moiveClip) - also do a movieClip.play();