ForumsForum GamesYou know you've spent too much time on armor...

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706 posts

So. This is a list of things that happen when you spend too much time on armorgames. This isn't supposed to be serious. It's supposed to give people a few lolz. Just add to the list, but make sure to copy/paste the whole thing before you add, just for posterity.

You know you've spent too much time on Armor when
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read oooonnneee mmmooorrreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.

Enjoy the list, and add more!

  • 696 Replies
12,319 posts

455- When you reach 17,500 points in a game and say "I'm a gold king!"

1,242 posts

456- When you get urges to unlock achievements, rush kingdoms and exit trough a path.

9,504 posts

1.You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you start taking time out of your day to set up a scenario where you defend yourself from zombies and get to safe land.
13. When you forget you have friends in different states you were just in, other than on AG.
14. When you think each day lived equals one AP.
15. When every time someone insults you, you take a flag and start poking it with your finger.
16. When you carry a tape recorder with you, just in case you wake up on a boat with nothing but a pipe...
17. Your one goal in life is to 1-hit the Baron
18. When you have the AG logo in your desktop
19. When you get ninja'd by other users in a thread.
20. You can't stand people who have NG accounts
21. You wear a shirt that says "Armor pwns NG and Kong"
22. You bought something from the shop.
23. You dream that you are Sonny
24. You worry if what you say next will get you banned or not... In real life
25. You no longer are a flash "gamer" you are a flash "master"
26. When You call your dad "Mcneely" and your mom "Carlie."
27. When you start building your life around the time you spend on Armor
28. When you finally realize why your ex dumped you... and the reason is being here too much.
29. When someone bullies you, you start shouting:"Mods, ban this freaking noob!"
30. When you have had your account banned to keep you away... But you make a new account because you just can't stay gone.
31. When you start seeing elephants instead of people
32. When you start posting about Sonny too much on this topic.
33. When your on AG 24/7.
34. When you move your fridge next to the computer to avoid moving away from the screen.
35. When you brag about your AP
36. You start seeing pink elephants even though your not drunk.
37. You get seizures from simple flashes of light.
38. You hide your laptop under your bed so when your parents leave you can get back on AG.
39. You ask Greg why don't points on Kong have any use, like on Armor Games.
40. You can't tell the difference between a Computer Game and a Normal Game
41. You have a girlfriend/boyfriend on AG but you don't really know him/her
42. When you look at your browsing history and see nothing that isn't AG for the past month
43. When you try to work around the censor in real life
44. When you can recite your and 10 other peoples abouts, but not the pledge of allegiance.
45. Wean you earn 500 AP a day.
46. Your best friend is the game account "ArmorGames"
47. You always carry a laptop with you everywhere you go so you don't have to leave AG
48. You wear an adult diaper so you don't need to go to the toilet.
49. You have killed 2,000,000 zombies on the Last Stand 2.
50. You dress up as Sonny for halloween.
51. YOu have over 4,000 posts and 3,000 comments. Oh shi-
52. You wear a hat matching your rank around in real life.
53. You keep dreaming about the Civil war in 2-D animation.
54. Even your imaginary friends left you because you played ArmorGames too much.
55. Okay, #54 was only because you were too busy playing Armor to make an imaginary friend.
56. When you call a police officer a mod.
57. When you throw a rage every time you talk because you didn't get AP for real life
58. When you know the real names of half the mods and admins
59. You know what all the admins look like
60. You can recite the address of the Armor Office off the top of your head
61. You create a toolbar for the site...oh wait
62. You know all youtube channels made for Armor Games
63. You know more about the switchfoot incident then of Rick Rolling
64. You know all of the top 100 personally
65. You have never gone on 4chan, youtube, Newgrounds, Kongregate, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Google, or Yahoo because you have no time for any site except Armor Games
66. You create gingerbread cookies at Christmas that look like the mods
67. You stalk Dan McNeely(You know who you are)
68. You have built a barricade in the front of your house because you think your the guy from the Last Stand
69. You name all your children and pets after popular flash games(I SAID NO COOKIES SONNY!!!!)
70. When you have the map of Armor Games as your desktop background.
71. When your only friends are on AG
72. When you make a thread called, You know you've spent too much time on armor...
73 When you visit AG at school..all the time.
74. When uyou read all the pages in the WoM thread.
75. When your name is The_AG_King
76. You make a huge party when you rank up.
77. If your banned, then its like you have no reason to exist
78. You name your first daughter "Carlie"
79. You name your first son "John"
80. You name your second daughter/son "AG"
81. You legally change your name to your username on AG
82. You hired a maid to do your shopping and cooking so you never have to leave your computer
83. You believe that your job is AG, and you should be rich
84. You think that there is a Bunny Conspiracy Theory to take over the world because you've played Bunny Invasion one too many times.
85. you try to read up on your history but all you think of is Warfare.
86. You color all your elephants blue.
87. You imagine you live in the medieval ages.
88. You think your life is based off of a forum.
89. You spend two weeks defeating all 228 waves of the last level in GC0.
90. YOu buy a pet that looks exactly like your armatar.
91. You check your ranking every 3 hours to see if you've gone up.
92. You skip breakfast so you can spam and rate to get 4 more AP faster.
93. When you've posted more than 5+ Sentences of your own to this thread.
94. When you call your RL friends by there screen name.
95. You say something, then wonder how much AP your getting.
96. You click on every game and rate it without playing it
97. When you change your name in order to have the initials AG.
98. when you start mashing buttons on yor keyboard every 4 seconds
99. When your name is Green12324, and your initials actually are AG.
100. when your the one who made number 100
101. You have AG tattooed on your forehead
102. You have the clish clank clink of the games as your ringtone
103 When you order things(usually the official AG t shirt of the year) you put your home address as "ArmorGames"
104. You kiss your computer every time you go to sleep
105. You always have your computer running and AG on it because you can't bear to press the red X on ArmorGames because you feel like that's killing AG if you leave for one second
106. You have been reading this list nodding your head going 2Yeah so I do that all the time".
107. You read books by the light of AG when it's on your monitor.
108. When your playing a board game you think of it as Colony.
109. You play Sonny 2 24/7
110. You stick a bottle to your balls so you can pee in it whenever you want.
111. When your going on vacation and force your laptop to fit in your small suitcase.
112. When you have not eaten for 20 hours.
113. When you've peed in your pants 15 times for the past 5 days.
114. Your stomach is so thin from hunger but you don't care otherwise.
115. You do not go to sleep even if your parents are telling you to, because you are too addicted to AG.
116. When you are out of AG, you cry and feel upset.
117. When you are on 24/7 on AG, when you are a mod, and keep on resetting people on the count to 100 game.
118. When you don't do more important things than AG.
119. You donate all your money to AG, so it will be on forever.
120. Your wish list for special occasions (Christmas, birthday etc) is something to do with AG and nothing else.
121. When you haven't made eye contact with even the slightest living thing.
122. You haven't left the computer seat for a long long time.
123. When you go to sleep and have nightmares because you didn't have enough time to be on AG
124. Your computer rights got taken away by your parents and now you sneak out everyday to play at the internet cafe and come home before 5:00 AM
125. You keep on refreshing the threads to see if it has replies on it.
126. You tell someone to go on another site other than AG to see stuff or do stuff on their of your choice
127. You would get married in AG, and not real life
128. You would get a job regarding AG
129. You accidentally write something about AG for exams and homework.
130. You check on AG every two minutes to see anything new.
131. You can memorize the AG Rules of Conduct. And read it. And read it backwards.
132. You're starting to piss everybody off
133. You rated 1000 games
134. your reading this thread
135. When you go around saying that the thread has already been done
136. When you reached rank 9 on 9/9/09. Oh wait...
137. When you can come up with more then 100 reasons about it.
138. When your mom tells you it's time to go to bed, you go, Shut Up Carlie!
139. When The doctor Observes Inside Your Ear And Sees The Words "HEDGEHOGLAUNCH3FTW" flying in a crcular motion on your brain
140. When you nod your head to atleast a 3rd of this list
141. When you forget your password because you have been logged in 24/7 so now you're scared of logging off for you might not be able to get back in to AG
142.when you buy something from the armor games store
143.when you post 20 different answers in this thread
144. When you have over 50,000 AP.
145. When you have more posts than hot meals
146. when you believe that you should get money for having more then 100,0000 AP
147. When you think you give a rat's behind about your opinions on the forums
148.When you wake up in the morning and still groggy see a zombie in the mirror.
149. When this list reaches 150...
150. when your email is
151. when you ask AG about something before your best friend
152.if you manage to read this entire thread
153.when you have a list of the things you are guilty of
154. when you have more then 10 things on your guilty list
155. When you approach black terrain, you attempt to "shift".
156. when your talking you think your typing and you randomly start moving your fingers as if they were on a keyboard
157. You say "Grrr! I hope you lose some AP, (Insert name) if you get angry at someone.
158.If you ignore your real life and start to live in this one
(This isn`t for laughing,this is for crying...)
159. If you have played every game on the site.
160. If you going insane and thinking you ARE the internet site AG and people playing games on you.
161. When you have fancy pants bumper stickers, ALL OVER YOUR CAR.
162.You keep having nightmares about zombies
163. you pick up a pipe and start beatting someone up
164. You played every game.
165. You try to beat the High Score on every game.
166. "It's too bright outsiiiiiddddeeeeeeeeeeeee."
167. When AG pops up in your dreams.
168. When AG is the subject of your dreams.
169. When you can't tell whether you are browsing AG in reality, or dreaming about browsing AG.
170. you cant eat, drink or breath without AG.
171. you have nightmares that armorgames was deleted and make then a suicid after you woke up.
172. your heart has the form, color and look from AG-logo.
173. You have posted in every thread of this site.
174. When you were the last the to post in every thread of the front page of the Forum Games section (like me).
175. When you look up 125 pages of the Forum Games section looking for threads to revive.
176. When you start believing that you will destroy someone who breaks your nerves with Sonny's powers.
177. When you make your own blog which is named AG and you steal all the topics from AG (the real one).
178. When you call the president "baron".
179. When you return to your home at night and you are in AG with your cell phone, you get from the computer to AG when you arrive and enter from the laptop when it is bed time.
180. When you are able and will always be able to remember all of the things that exist in the thread and the new ones that will exist.
181. when you wear only clothes with AG banners on it.
182. you forget to eat and/or drink, die, arrive at hell/sky and the first thing you do is trying to play AG in hell/sky.
183. you sleep only six hours, you eat and drink by your pc and life on the toilett so you must never leave AG.
184. you even THINK about trying to beat firetail madness in AP
185. you even THINK about trying to beat firetail madness in post count.
186. your last words before you die are: 'I-I... I have... have a... have a... maintain... on... *hack* *cough* A-AG... ugh....<dies>
187. when you have rated all the games.
188. when you are arrested for Vandalism because you drew with spray in the underground maps the Ag badge.
189. when you want to have an office job when you grow up so that you can enter in AG
190. When you answer even for a moment to all the things others say to you: AG (like you don't pay attention to someone and answer "yes" all the time)
191. When your Nationstates account name is Armorgames and the curency is the AP. (Oh wait, thats me)
192. Whenever you have to clean your room, you say: "I better get AP for this"
193.When you watched the April's Fool Joke 10 times.
194. When you have more posts than Carlie. Ugh, me again...
195. When you have a dream that you are discussing about anyhting with Krin. Oh shi-
196. When you revive this thread for the second time, like I am doing right now.
197. When you have a dream that the eagle armatar at 4250 AP is trying to kill you.
198. when you read every post in every thread on AG.
199. when you try to necro locked threads.
200. when you necro locked threads with a sequel/second version and this thread gets locked but you give not up and after a while there are hundreds of locked threads by you.
201. if you make a demonstration to get AP for this forum.
202. When the mods ban you and you say: thank you, AG is the best.
203. If you know all the users that are in AG and the new ones that will register
204. When you have to go to school and say: next time you'll send me to school (to mum) i will double my price of AP!
205. When you go to the mods and admins houses (yes, to their houses) and demand to get more AP
206: When your grounded to play PC and decided to login on your cellphone, and got grounded again, but then tries to escape and goes to an internet cafe.
207. if your in a gang and the gang sign is the AG badge and you spray it on every wall.
208. when you wear only fancy pants and a t-shirt with the AG badge.
209. when you wrote a book with the title: why is AG so awesome?.
210. when you accuse a friend at school of backseat modding.
211. when you hear a weird sound and then realize that its just your stomach hungry
212. when your nose bleeds and you realize that the awesame smell is coming outa yaself
213. When you see friends outside of AG the first thing you do is go on AG with those friends.
214. when someone talks right before you do and you say they ninja'd you
215. When you hire private detectives in order to learn the real names of the AG members!
216. when u have a page/tab for every thread u participated in.
217. When you cry/worry when your not on AG
218. When you take the time to read everything on the list to make sure you aren't repeating. (there are repeats, and to this point, expect a half an hour to read min.)
219. When even the newcommers know your name.
220. When your 3 months of spring break planning are to hide in your room and play AG as long as you can.
221. When your mom has to make an AG account to call you down to dinner on Christmass.
222. When your mom makes an account because there's no other way to contact you.
223. When you start calling your mom by her account name irl. Oh snap...
224. When you sit down after reading the list and come up with 6 more instantly.
225. When you right a story, you are making some sort of AG reference.
226. You go to the bathroom n **** urself.
227. Then u wipe it with ur HomeWork.
228.When you go to a cafe and ask for the AG member discount.
229. When your insert numbers into words to try and cuss in real life
230.You kidnap a mod in real life asking for the banhammer to bring freedom to AG.
231.When you yell "Yes! another achievement!" When you do something cool in real life.
232. When you check AG more than Facebook/Myspace.
233. When you have a tatoo of armor games on your chest.
234. *ckicks little red x at top right corner* five seconds later... *dies of EXTREME suffering*
235: You private message a new player and say "I remembered when AG was created" 500 years in the future
236: when you act like a therapist
237: you can spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and post it from scratch on every single thread in AG History
238: you make up a ice cream flavor called "I love AG
239: put on armor and play on AG
240: you bother to read all 240 reasons on "You know you've spent too much time on armor..." in armor games.
241. Spend more time on the forums than playing games
242. You're more on AG than sleeping.
243. you actually read all of these, everytime someone added one(me:P)
244. you know if someones a noob because you havent seen them before.
245. you remeber when AG had only 1 mod.
246. you cant remember that you have an actuall life
247. if you refresh all your pages every 5 minutes to see if there is a response.
248. if you can explain, without looking, how to beat evey level on This Is The Only Level
249. if you posted on this thread.
250. if you can wait fo rht enext game so you can be the first to play it.
251. if you were the first person to play 10 diiferent games.
252. if you think the people on AG can see you since they are in youre computer.
253. if you have looked at every game ever, even blocked ones.
254. if you wont talk to anyone who doesnt have an AG account.
255. if you have sticky keys from where you spilt food one your jeyboard while trying to eat and post.
256. if you cant remember what day it is.
257. if you forget that people dont ACTUALLY look like their armatar.
258. if you judge someone by thei armatar.
259. you get banned, you still check all the forum games just to keep up on them.
260. if you have posted MY HILL at least 20 times.
261. if you go to your fb/myspace accounts and ask why you dont get poins for posting.
262. you have copied a link/post from AG and shared it somewhere else so others can enjoy life the "RIGHT WAY" thru AG too
263. you have a limited edition armatar
264. if you even have an account on AG, because once you start, you cant stop, AG is THE BEST! :P
265. if you were reading this carefully enough to realize that there was no 265.
266. If you mentally say 'games' when reading the thread title.
267. You will only talk to your friends if they say their username before they talk
268.You really start to turn in to sonny.
269. Whenever you see a turtle, you hit it.
270.You turn on your Computer every time you here a *Clink*
271. You have officially made AG3's release date your new birthday.
272.You start to pluck off a keyboard key every time you lose a game.
273. Because of 273, the only keys left are 'A' and 'G'.
274 you sue someone for beating you on colney
275.You try to get the high score on every game on AG, and you drink so much coffee to stay awake that your nervous twitch registers on the Richter scale. wait 30 sec to talk to someone after you said somthing
277. You have acutally read this whole list
278.When you type this whole list instead of copying and pasting
279. When you beat and compleated 100 precently every game on the shight!
280.You know you spent too much time on AG if you spent most of your time reading this forum page by page.
281. when you post on your own thread just to keep it alive
282. You have nightmares about John's little blue elephant.
283. You have the urge to legally change your name to Firetail_madness.
284. When you pretend to be your armatar.
285. When you always say armatar instead of avatar, even outside of AG.
286. When you call Canada the best country in the world (that's where firetail_madness is from).
287. When you spam on another site saying "Armor Games rocks!"
288. When you call a squirrel that comes regularly to you Tony.
289. When you call a fox that comes regularly to you John.
290. When you call a bunny that comes regularly to you Gantic.
291. When you add games made by AG developers to your site.
292. You call blue elf people Asherlee
293. You are really scared of people in the ark of the covenant. (Look at Voidy's profile to know what I mean)
294. That your computer broke down.
295. you wear lots of armor all the time.
296. you use LAZOR to kill stuff in ALL the games.
297. you have clicked every armorgames link at least 1 time.
298. you have beaten the baron without focus drain. (i did with stunlock)
299. you have a rank higher then silver king.
301. You have the highest rank
302. You have dreams about fellow forum members.
303. When this is the only site you use.
304. When you mention Armor Games on a messenger.
305. When you played so much Raze that your kill to death ratio is over 9000!
306. When you dream about the blue elephant trying to get all the achievements.
307. When you actually get all the achievements on Achivement Unlocked1/2
308. When your mom opens the window and t you shout "It burns, the sunlight, IT BURNS"
309. When you keyboard keys have no letters on them anymore.
310. When you can state down the exact AG Url without help.
311. When you could navigate through AG with your eyes closed.
312. When you see this thread and feel obligated to go outside.
313. When you're actually reading this list.
314. When the first thing you do int he morning is check AG. - Krizaz
315. When you're running 12 RPG's.
316. When your Armatar is the same as your Facebook profile picture. -Paarfam
317.hit your brother because you think his a sony 2 enemy
318.try to kill you school teacher be cause you think he is the last boss of sonny 2
319.when you catch yourself drawing new units for colony.
320. when you believe that all your life is a trick from Clemons the Deceiver!
321. If there were 50 addicted achievements on Raze, you would have cleared them all and more.
322. You stand on a cliff with Daniel McCneely (in his armatar) and he pushes you off into a pull of locked necro threads
323. When someone says a one word sentence in real life you say "That's spam!"
324. You're on Facebook or you're texting and write in complete sentences and use correct punctuation and grammar.
325. When you're not logged in and you're like "OMG I GOT BANNED!"
326. When the first thing you type in your url bar is an "a"
327. When you've been a Gold King or Queen.
328. When you get depressed because you weren't able to post in the first thread before it got locked.
329. Your idea of cursing is saying 'Holy McNeely!'
330. When you think you should be in Seal Team 6 just because you completed everything on Sierra 7.
331. When you ask every kid in school "do you have an AG?"
332. When you are running and you believe you are using "flow" like in exit path.
333. When you have written on every forum and game
334-when your names is..."armorgameslord" or any name relating to a sponsor of armorgames
335-when after 1 year your in the top 50 users on AG.
336-Exit Path is your life.........,Literaly. You pretened Exit Path is happening in reality as you run.
337-When you dress up like your armatar on halloween.
338-When you dress up like your rank on halloween.
339- When you write an essay then ask the teacher "Is this going to get me a merit?"
340- When you tell your friends that you're a gold king.
341-When you start a list of things showing how you know someone has spent to much time on armor games
342-when you read everyone's stuff and then remember to post yourself.
343- When you become armorgames
344-when you think about what will i do next
345-when you think the game your playing is full screen
346-when you want to get snacks but your to lazy to do it
347-when you look back you get shocked by seeing how many things you posted
348-when your eyes get burned from looking outside
349 - When you nail your ranks hat to a wooden, silver or golden shield.
340-When you can't remember your friend's names
351-When you can't count correctly
352- when you cant remember where you are
353-When you prefer to be in a humid room in front of a computer instead of in a air-conditioned room eating.
354- When you haven't been in a bathroom for several days
355- When you call your friends by their Screen Names.
356- If they don't have an AG account, then they're not your friend.
357- You try and use /b/ code when you talk... and fail miserably.
358- When you start playing You're Banned with your friends.
359- When you start playing You're Banned with your enemies!
360- When you abandon the community for an Xbox.
361- You abandon your XBox for the community! Oh, wait...
362-When you count the number of &quotost" spoken in real life.
363- When believe in zombie attacks and cats who like sushi.
364- When youre post reach 10,000
365- When you have 50 merits
366- When you try to play Forum Games on a game console.
367- When you have nightmares that someone called Darth Voidymort is going to ban you. Oh wait... that was me.
368- Your NationStates nation's capital is Armor Games, and its currency is the Armoriar.
369- When you cry at night because you lost some AP.
370- When you remember "Games of Gondor."
371- When you've read all the pages here all the way through
372- When you're last few meals were quick snacks
373- When you hire a professional painter to paint the AG logo across every wall in your house
374- when you become adsicted to the lance.
375- When you get a snake as a pet and name it Krin.
376 - When your counters are filled with "This is The only mug" and "Coffee Unlocked"
377 - When you see House, MD and think that he is playing with a Ball Revamped Ball
378 - When you set your cellphone as an Alarm Clock and put the "Clink Clash Clink" sound to ring
379 - When your computer and your cellphone have the same screensaver: the AG 2 Logo
380- When you took the time to read through this thread
381- when u email a friend and go " yes that's two more points!"
382- When you are making it a game to describe how you know you've spent to much time on AG
383 - When you have nightmares about your threads being locked or deleted.
384- When eat the last Oreo and say "I cleared my cookies!"
385- When you write that you're an EP Grandmaster on your job application
386- When you complain, out loud, abou how hard it is to find the last Battery for an "Epic Battle Fantasy 3" sidequest.
387- When you try sushi just to see if you can beat your current high score of 398,000 pieces.
388-When you stop paying black ops so you can check to see if any of your top 50 favorite threads have been updated on.
389- When you wasted 3 hours of your life writing a mini-mystery and posting it to your profile.
390 - When you lurk in a forum for over an hour just to see a certain thread get updated.
391 - When you post on here at 12 AM.
392- when you plan on getting a set amount of AP a day to reach Gold king/queen.
393 - When you allot certain times for being on Armor Games.
394-When you post on a forum for knowing when youve been on armorgames too much(mightve been done)
395 - When you jump over a cardboard treadmill (those spiky-spinney things in Exitpath) when you go to sleep.
396- When you have an hourly routine of checking on new games.
#397- when your boss says "You're fired" you correct him: "Did you mean permabanned?"
398- When you have music and confetti and spikes on your treadmill.
#399 When you only have muscle in one place- your fingers.
#400 When your friend asks about your achievements in life and you take him to Armor games.
#401 you get pulled over by the cops and spend the night and jail and you think "a one day tempban is no big deal..."
#402 - When your "hanging out with friends" is talking to Armor Games users.
403- You Get Fourius when Nobody replies to your thread
#404 - When you're willing to refresh a page numerous times to see if your 30 seconds between posts has passed.
405- When you host a party and ask a few people to be moderators.
406 - You're eyes bleed but you can't stop playing
407- You ask for a blue elephant from john's elephant games for your birthday
#408-You feed yor cat with sushi
409-You dream about getting merits.
410- you have nightmares about getting banned.
411- When you think of a life sentence as a perma-ban.
412- When you think penguins can fly because of the game learn to fly
413- When you think of a death sentence as an IP ban.
414-You tell your teacher that the mods stole my HW 'cause it was spam
415- When you wonder why your post count is part of your comment all the time.
416 - When you've posted over 2,000 times in forum games.
417-you beg your teacher and friends for armor points
418 - You quit school and is now living in a padded cell with nothing but a rubber ducky and the laptop with AG
419 - Your sleep cycle starts at 3:00 PM until 4:00 AM because your going on random games or threads just to get Armor Points
420-When the only app on your itouch(phone pad) is armorgames.
421- When the last time you remember doing some thing other than AG is a blur of sad memories...
422- When there is no blur of anything. Just memories of AG.
423-You forget reality.
424- When You die in a game you think you died in real life
425- when you're sick and your docter recommends 20cc of blue elephant.
426 - When you call police officers "Moderators" and government officials "Administrators".
427 -When you have purchased 2 of every thing in the store, and begin begging people to be 'AG Buddies' with you.
428- When your parents tell you it's time to go to bed at 8AM.
429-When you try to get 100% real life!
430- When you see a saw blade, you immediately think about jumping over it.
431- When you host or participate in a group that ranks people with AG ranks.
432- When you have a strange dream where cormyn posts on your profile, and then you realize he changed his username to Ian.
433- When you have another dream the next night where MRWalker82 gives you a merit. Then, when you ask jokingly for another one, he gives you another one too!
434- When you get dizzy by being off AG for too long.
435- When you've read every thread ever.
436- when you can't stand the fact that someone doesn't reply to you
437- when you try to not go onto armorgames for a day but you can't
438- when you have a dream that an admin banned your account and cried....
439- when you beg the managers at fast food restaurants to rename their Combo Meals to Epic Combos.
440- When you're in first place for total Armor Points.
441- When you host a competition and when you tell the winner to go to a secret place, you call them firetail_madness.
442- When you subsequently call the runner-up Ernie15 and the 3rd place finisher Google567.
443- When your parents ask you where you wan to go for lunch, you say "Papa's Burgeria"
444- When you have a near death experience, your almost sure that if you did die you'd just rewind to the last checkpoint.
445 - When you think BB codes work in real life whilst talking.
446- When you call the sun obould or NoobSlayer3000.
447 - When you call masks armatars.
448 - When you think you can gain ranks in real life.
449 When you think that talking to your friends is gaining you AP.
450- When you live your life going around trying to unlock achievements.
451- When you make an obscure joke on this thread
452- When you yell "Happy new version!" when AG3 is released.
453- When you ask your parents, how many AP do I get for washing the dishes?!
454- When AG only stands for Armor Games.
455- When you reach 17,500 points in a game and say "I'm a gold king!"
456- When you get urges to unlock achievements, rush kingdoms and exit trough a path.
457: You remember every single game on armor games
458: You are ranked number 1# (Fire_tale....)
459: You forget What your Family looks like.
460: When those swords look like forks and the shield a plate.
461: When you have over 300 hours logged.
462: When you become a mod.
463: Give the police officer suggestions as to how to proceed with giving you a ticket.
464: When you browse the WEPR for answers to your Evolution homework.
465: When you view every pawn shop as &quotwn shop".
466: When you set up or join a chat room with AG intentions.
467: When that same shield looks like a comfy pillow.
468: When you punch the police officer in the face

9,504 posts

460: When your list is so big you leave a blank slot in the post.

9,439 posts

461: When you believe you can never spend too much time on AG.

113 posts

462: When you are raging on people in forum games

2,911 posts

463: When you start talking with a massive vocabulary at school when with half wits.

15,595 posts

464: When you think AP is money.

28 posts

465: When you are reading every dudes comment in every game.

28 posts

465: When you are reading every dudes comment in every game.

(*sorry my english spelling is not the best, take the word "dudes" away from the comment)

1,747 posts

466: When you think Mods are saints and Admins are angels.

598 posts

When you Name your account masterofexitpath.

15,595 posts

468: When you start dreaming about dwarves attacking elves.

162 posts

469: When you start considering trajectories on shooting games

3,517 posts

470. When you don't buy the iPad2 because you can't play on AG (happened to me today)

Showing 286-300 of 696