ForumsGame WalkthroughsThe Art of War(Fare) 1944 Edition

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Alright, first off, I know there is a video walkthough, but if your like me, you wont want something that is a dead give away, and since the placement of your opponents troops is random to some degree, then the video walkthough may or may not work for that particular match. The following is a list of tips and tricks that I have found work remarckbly well.
Units Availible and How to Defeat Them:

Riflemen: Your most basic unit. Good en masse.
Use Against: Infantry, but Extremely well En Masse
Counter With: Machine Gunner(s), Snipers, Tanks

Assault: Good at rushing emplacements, moderatly good at disabling tanks.
Use Against: Snipers, Entrentched Opponents, MGs
Counter With: Snipers, Tanks

MG (Machine Gun): Good against Infantry when entrenched.
Use Against: Infantry (when entrenched)
Counter With: Snipers, Tanks, Assault

Sniper: Good at attacking infantry at a distance.
Use Against: Infantry (at a distance)
Counter With: Tanks, Infantry (close range)

Bazooka Team: Good at attacking enemy armor.
Use Against: Tanks
Counter With: Snipers, assault.

Mortar: Good against entrenched oponents.
Use Against: Entrenched opponents, Tanks
Counter With: Snipers, Assault.

Officer: Good at calling strikes
Use Against: Entrenched opponents, Tanks (strikes)
Counter With: Everything

Tank (Sherman, Panzer): Good at opening gaps.
Use Against: Infantry
Counter With: Assault, Bazooka Team
The Art Of War(fare)

1) Remain Mobile. Staying Entrenched will entice the enemy to call in strikes. Always press the enemy, and force them to be on the defensive. I cannot stress this enough!

2) Attack where the enemy is least prepared, or least expects it. If theres an MG on the Right flank, attack the left.

3) Always play to your enemys weakness. If you see a MG nest, send in a sniper. Heavily entrenched troops, call in a strike. The Enemy will play to your weakness, so always be prepared.

4) Security against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive. Dont reliy entirely on defensive or offensive tacticts. With to much offensive moves, you deplete your resources and can feild less and less units. To much defensive, and the enemy will attack with strikes.

5) Hence that general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack. When you do attack, attack all at once. Send units on the flanks and center. Even it only one attack will sucede, the enemy will not know which attack to repel.

6) Separate your enemys men. If you hold the flanks, you will do more damage, and prevent the enemy from easily supporting the remaining unit.

7) For should the enemy strengthen his van, he will weaken his rear; should he strengthen his rear, he will weaken his van; should he strengthen his left, he will weaken his right; should he strengthen his right, he will weaken his left. If he sends reinforcements everywhere, he will everywhere be weak. Once again, attack where the enemy least expects it, and you will win.

8) Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards. So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak. Always attack the enemys measure with the appropriate counter-measure. If you see an enemy MG, attack it with a sniper. However, watch out for the counter-counter-measure. The enemy may send in Assault troops to oust your sniper from its position.

9) Do not swallow bait offered by the enemy. If you see a lone groupe of Rifleman, you may attack and win. However, the enemy may have men waiting in reserves to utterly destroy you when you take the postion, or as you take it.

10) There are five dangerous faults which may affect a general:
(1) Recklessness, which leads to destruction;
(2) cowardice, which leads to capture;
(3) a hasty temper, which can be provoked by insults;
(4) a delicacy of honor which is sensitive to shame;
(5) over-solicitude for his men, which exposes him
to worry and trouble
This is my first walkthrough, so constructive criticism would be nice .

  • 50 Replies
6,800 posts

Tank VS Tank

When It comes down to the Sherman VS the Panzer, the Panzer Wins. In order to destroy the panzer, combine this tip with the 'Easy Tank Kills' Tip on Page one.

While calling in air strikes on the Panzers, Send in a Sherman. BEHIND the Sherman, send in Bazooka teams. The Sherman will take the damage while the Bazooka teams remain unscathed. Send in Rifle men incase the Sherman is destroyed. The rifle men will take the damage, allowing the bazooka teams to continue attacking. Send in another Sherman when you can. You can also use mortars, as they can take out the infantry support around the tank with there sporadic fire. If your going for maximun XP at the end of the match however, stick with using just the Bazooka teams.

6,800 posts

Oops! Hehe, I wrote that part from the US point of view; flip it if your playing as the Germans

5,875 posts

I like your guide =D.

here's mine it's kinda short I guess

1.deploy tank. I use it to knock out the enemy tank. Then I deploy riflemen to protect the tank. When the enemy tank goes bye bye. I deploy assault men out. Then deploy some riflemen. And then I deploy 2 teams of riflemen on the left and the right. I make them stay undercover to kill some enemy's. (this is kinda cheating to the enemy but) I spam rifle men lol.

33 posts

nice helped me

6,800 posts

1.deploy tank. I use it to knock out the enemy tank. Then I deploy riflemen to protect the tank. When the enemy tank goes bye bye. I deploy assault men out. Then deploy some riflemen. And then I deploy 2 teams of riflemen on the left and the right. I make them stay undercover to kill some enemy's. (this is kinda cheating to the enemy but) I spam rifle men lol.

Spaming riflemen could work, but if you try to use them offensivley you would get mowed down my enemy MGs and snipers. Your only hope would be to eventually wear the enemy down, but you risk losing due to moral loss. This is what happened when I tried that techique.
20,591 posts

This should help me beat it
I was stuck on the tank through the city one.

5,875 posts

Spaming riflemen could work, but if you try to use them offensivley you would get mowed down my enemy MGs and snipers. Your only hope would be to eventually wear the enemy down, but you risk losing due to moral loss. This is what happened when I tried that techique.

Well when your tank is gone you do it. Just hope the tank knocks out wave 1 to 3 of the enemy. I put in Assalt men in when things are getting out of hand.
6,800 posts

Ah, but putting out assault men changes it tottaly. I just went on 1 tank and then spaming riflemen.

6,800 posts

I was stuck on the tank through the city one.

This is (I think) The hardest map in the game for either side. Using the tactics I mentioned earlier, it still took me a few trys to beat it. Part of it is really just luck on whether the enemy tanks get an engine damage. I got an engine damage on the enemy shermans twice, and that helped me alot.

So, did you beat it? (seeing your post is a few days old).
6,800 posts

Would you guys mind testing the guide and telling me what needs to be upgraded for Version 2.0? I need to get me out of the equation, so just try out one little part and tell me if it needs to be changed.

Thanks, Mav

7 posts

This guide helped a lot. It made the game a lot easier knowing this.

2,765 posts

great guide but it would be better if you if you said what techniques to use for what lvl saying this here is a random technique i use for the last lvl

u.s. regular
at the start the enemy will send out a tank first you put a tank where the other tank is (if the enemy tank is left then u put your tank left same for right) you then put bazookas behind your tank as soon as you have enough points your tank should get knocked out first (if on regular) and your bazookas will finish the enemy tank off now that the enemy tank is gone you have to press on the enemy and make them always need to use mg's assualts and riflemen because if you dont they send out another tank an easy way to press on the enemy is a tactic i call base build this is useful in the last lvl because you have two areas which can cover you on the middle row on the two bits of cover you have put mg's or snipers on them then you press the enemy's on the flanks and if they get to close mg's will take them out and the snipers will do the same thing for long range (snipers are easier for this tactic) then if you are like me you flank the enemy till their morale drops or just send riflemen down the middle

hope this helped

2,180 posts

Maverick: You've read the Art of War?

1 posts

Thanks for the tips, playing was much more fun now

6,800 posts


Thanks m8, thats a great Idea.


Yea, I even own a copy. Its one of the Chinese Military Clasicis (but you probaly already know that)


Thanks m8.

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