On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
You've been a little eh. . . . lately and that will make it go down in my perspective. 2/10
9/10 cause GoM is awesome and active...
9/10, for being an awesome forum user and giving me a fairly high rating...
7.2/10. Sorry, don't know you too well. Although you do have my old armatar.
10/10 because Icy is jesus... Nuff said.... *wink*
7/10 why not?
7/10... my reasoning: Why not? Backfire! >
silly goose here gets a 4/10 for still being a bit new around these parts :P
Delos gets a 10/10 for being a chill guy and also for his longevity on Armor Games.
10/10 for being really awesome and being helpful and being newly awesome.
bluh, I can't really rate... because a number would imply respecting or disrespecting when I'm indifferent.7.5/10
lol@ DV, he is jesus, but make sure he doesn't act like mr. napkin. 9.5/10, because you're epic, but I don't really know you.
You have my Armatar too!!! 999/10... But seriously 8/10.
5/10 I have never seen you before.
8/10 for Jdogg
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