On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
9/10 you make the BEEEEEST RPG's EVER!KEEP IT UP
thanks runescape! 8/10 because i see you around the community a lot but i dont see you post many topics
5/10 because i dont really know you exept from these types of games.
5/10, I never really see you. Neutral.
All you did was copy & paste what DeadlyVelociraptor typed. I don't like it when people do that. I don't see you around this site much and none of your post stand out to me. 2/10
7/10 for Matrix, you help the newbies- which is what I try and fail to do, other than that you are a good user, active.
7/10 your pretty aight.
Good posts; really good rank, at least compared to me. We even joined about the same time. =/7/10
Ninja'd. That was meant for DV.Great posts, great rank, been here for a good amount of time. Rather active on the forums.8/10
I see you in the forum Games fairly often, but not much anywhere else... And your ranking to your time spent here is kinda meh. 5.89/10
pretty cool person, i think i private messaged you once (maybe not, but i think so, could be wrong) seems like a chill dude. speaks your mind 93/100
Pretty nice guy, good taste in music.7.5/10
5/10, ive never seen you, so im neutral.
Now and then I see you, but there's definitely more respect to be earned. 6/10
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