On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
Just in case I get ninja'd, I give Ghgt a 8.5/10 because i see him a lot, and he makes good posts.
You shall be given a most honorable 7/10 for being apparently nice.
You get a 8/10 because i have seen your posts and are an active AG user.
Never seen you before. 5/10
Never saw you before.Who the hell are you, Ghgt?Somehow you seem familiar, your name...Argh, I can't figure it out!8/10.
Lol. DV you get a 8/10 because you make good posts and you are my NationStates buddy. =P
8/10 cuz you're in the forums a lot and you're a good user
5/10 because I don't really know you, I think I may have seen you before though.....
You have a high rank but a semi-low post count. I have seen you a bit, and you have a awesome armatar. 7/10
cool, but didn't follow the stuff in my racing RPG (it's ok, i redid your sheet, and you just need to buy your house, weapon (if you want) and a way of tranportation)8/10
10/10 really great guy great rpgs (way to many though)
5/10 i dont know you so ya. this is what you get
10/10 for delos. He is an awesome user who makes great posts. =)
8/10 for Ghgt because I feel like it.Just kidding, I give you an 8 because I see you quite often and you make some pretty good posts.
You make good posts and you are a nice guy. 7.5/10
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