Let me check my comments history....I do believe Alt was my very first registered friend on AG! Aside from that, he is very, very close to getting Gold King (about 3-400 AP) and has a fair amount of posts for his rank. Alt practically lived AG, since he's been around for quite a while. And that's why I'll give him an 8.9/10 for respect.
for not having better things to do other than saying the word spam a lot in his posts for someone who hate spammers.
I do have better things to do. Oh, and you must hate yourself then. I see you post everywhere and all you do is spam for your posts count/points. I mean really? You include no reasoning in your post and they are all exactly the same, just reworded slightly.
obviously having little life ouside of Armor Games.
I honestly laugh at this idiocy. I do have a life outside of Armor Games. Just because I decide to spend some of my morning and evening on this site doesn't mean I have no life.
Also for backseat modding execessively in the forums
You must be wrongly informed. I don't backseat mod. I just help others around the site and show them right from wrong. Also, it's spelled excessively.
by the way I dont spam.
Actually, you do. I see your comments everywhere on others profiles just spamming 'what's up' 'how's it going'. That is spam, and also your forum posts most of the time make no sense whatsoever, you provide little to no reasoning with them and are easily torn apart by other members of this site. It's also why I highly believe that most others flag your posts because they are in-fact spam. --
I have a high degree of respect for Alt since he's a great user of this site and all of his posts are thoughtful. He's also a nice friend. 10/10
0/10 for Matrix for not having better things to do other than saying the word spam a lot in his posts for someone who hate spammers. And obviously having little life ouside of Armor Games. Also for backseat modding execessively in the forums
Also v6y, you can't talk about me having no life. I just checked your profile and you have around 2,000 games rated with 2,000 comments. Also, I've been here one more month than you have and you almost have a higher rank then me. Appears to be hypocritical of you.
Noob is a nice friend and we chat quite a bit on CT. 8/10.