On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
Who puts numbers in thier name?1.32689547852369
Do not know you, at all.And giving a low rating just because of ones username? Really?3/10
I here from you a lot and you have a few comments spread across my threads so...9/10
never seen you befor and a low ranking so i give you a 3/10 cuz its a gold serf
never seen you befor
Super low rank. Never seen you before. 0/10 none at all.
d_dude. ahh man i see you all the time plus were the same rank and were in the same RPG. so i give you a 99/100
5/10 the great neutral wall still stands
10/10 For being a poet and liking chocolate chip cookies.
10/10, for having TNT in your name. Explosives ftw.
6/10 For only seeing you once before.
9/10 For having an armatar promoting violence.
You can use proper grammar! 6/10
I see you alot on forums 9/10
5/10 for the screamo schpeel you put out in the PM section
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