On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
9/10. You're cool and you're a silver prince!
f'ing ninja'd.
6/10 i dont really have any problems with. although i havent seen much from you
7/10I've only seen you once or twice. But you have a big post count, so you obviously post a lot. Plus original armatar.
nice rank, and great post count. 9/10 from me.
crap, i got ninja'd.proffeseroak, you're same rank as me, but better post count. 7/10
Farrowking, Don't see you much, but you've recently been active on a few threads I've commented on. So I say 7/10
For standing up for.. his? Name.8/10
8/10 seen you occasionaly not that often. but you have a good post count and your a silver prince so. kudos to you sir dudeguy45
I see you sometimes in the Tavern, and you're a pretty cool person.Although your post count is somewhat low for your rank.7/10
9/10I see you a lot and you make nice posts... And your name is amazing.
8/10 Ive seen you around and you seem like a good forum goer.
Your username flies by my head. Neutral for now. 5/10
9/10I see you frequently and your name is rather... original. You have a good rank a lot of posts.
7/10 because I see you around the forums.
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