On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
Respect to master forger for his quick button pushing skills
8/10 for Gaming times excellent comment
6/10 - Lack of post, but good ninja skills.
What are ninja skills, anyway?
Hmmm...5/10?I don't see you much.
Takcimica for answering my question.
Krizaz . . . early colony notable, moderately respectable WEPR presence. I would say an 8/10 is in order.
Colony? I was pretty dece at that game, got a bit bored after about 100 games, did you play?As for WEPR... I've gotten a bit annoyed by religion, doing more political threads.9/10
9/10. I see you create lots of interesting topics.
7/10I see you quite a bit but your posts are a little shallow. Good rank, okay Armatar, you come up a bit.
My respect for fictional books signifies my respect for you.8/10Get it, because of your political fantasy?
7/10 I just started seeing you but I can tell you're a productive citizen of AG.
Awesome story, brah!Or should I say:Awesome story, sista!:SAnyway, you also have some good posts, other than "Endril And End Cold."So I'd say 8.5/10
I have a suckish amount of respect for you.7/10
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