On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
I know nothing of your work, 6.5/10
4/10You don't know about idontsuckthatmuch (aka Bunneh) because you never stray away from the Forum Games.
That post was meant for Osumnis, not Bunneh I have seen him in many places. 8/10 I see you around.
79/100i know u some (from what u have said on the forums) and u seem like an above average person
7.85/10 because i have only seen you once and i enjoy overly precise ratings.
8.9793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944I have seen master565 many times. His posts are usually normal or good.
Never seen you before so you get a 5/10.
10/10 me and this guy have had some good times
I respect people with good forum knowledge. I think he is the one. 10/10
7/10 I can respect a man that knows how to respect.
5/10Neutral I guess, you're sorta just starting the forums, I've only seen you like twice.
7/10 oak pops in to CT every now and again, and he seems nice
I respect this guy's taste in music, even if I don't quite like some of it XD9/10Because I said so.
8.5/10Bunneh! Well, couple points for his armatar and I like Bunneh's posting style, and he's very helpful and an active member around the site.
9/10 he has a beard for armatar, plus i just tend to respect people, until they do somehthing stupid that is
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