On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
Bunneh! Super nice guy, I'm chatting with him right now actually, just an awesome user all around. 9.5/10 :3
Easily an 8.75/10. You'll be great addition to AG when you get a bit more experienced!@BunnehYou don't even know about Holladay15...
I give you a 7.5/10 for creating Armatar War.
8/10 for contributing to the Forum Games a lot. I'm all over today... By the way, I've made waayyyy more successful threads than Armatar War. Check the AMW section, I got two there.
Haven't seen much from you (can't remember anyway), but from what I do remember you are nice and make good good posts. 6.6898798798786/10.
I seen around quite a bit but not much lately.
Im a fail.8/10 For deadly.
I used to see you around often, but not as much anymore. You appear to be pretty cool, though.8/10
a fellow Filipino. and a decent user 7/10
9/10 decent user. Seen him alot before not much now. Still a great user.
Honestly, I have no idea who you are. 0/10
4/10. I see you bet, eh... you just seem to splat a short, sweet answer that doesn't help to everything.
although he can be a bit harsh on some people.
Don't really know him, but he's a gold knight so he doesn't suck THAT much.6/10
Don't really know you, so I can't say much.... 5/10.But again. I love the name "Kyle", 10/10 :P
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