I don't see you much in the forums, but you have over five hundred post, so you must be posting somewhere that I don't check often. Which is either the WEPR and/or the Programming section. Well, if you've gotten over five hundred posts from there legitimately, then that's pretty respectable.
7/10 don't see you much but when I do you seem cool,
@Matrix, yeah they are legitimate, and yes I nearly exclusively post in the WEPR, although I lurk in the tavern and I have started posting in here a lot more often
I don't see you in the forums a lot. You also have a very high rank for a person with under one thousand posts, so that means that you are chatting with other users excessively and/or have rated a lot of flash games. Also, you tend to misuse and overuse the semi-colon in your posts, which makes them turn out weird. If you read them aloud, then it doesn't sound like proper English.
Flag I don't see you in the forums a lot. You also have a very high rank for a person with under one thousand posts, so that means that you are chatting with other users excessively and/or have rated a lot of flash games. Also, you tend to misuse and overuse the semi-colon in your posts, which makes them turn out weird. If you read them aloud, then it doesn't sound like proper English.
John is Swedish and English isn't his first language, so he could be forgiven for not being great with ounctuation, also you say chatting and rating games like they are bad things?
5/10 santos, I don't see you much and I have never spoken to you