On a scale of 0-10. How much respect do you have for the above user?I would start, but I'm the OP
Wait a minute... Something tells me... I used to work for you...8.5/10
Sorry, ninja...8/10
wait, uh.... i dont think so.... 9/10 for giving me a good rating!
4/10 for patronising RC01
wats ninjaed? and whats procrastinating? 9/10 for being usefull in the forums..
3/10 for having a contantly-degrading understanding of english.
4/10Haven't seen you around, and you seem a little... arrogant. Then again, only one comment. Probably not what your really like.
Ninja Ed is when you try to post something but someone posts faster then you7/10 for kingofwar
Sorry, double ninja!@xNightwish, 7/10You seem cool.
I've seen you around, and you seem perceptive, and reasonably intelligent.9/10
Lol, and I usually get ninja'd lot. Anyway, rivercrab, you seem alright. 6/10
In case of another ninja (There are loads on this thread right now!) quickly, crazyape, you seem cool, intelligent and level-headed.9/10
I'm pretty sure that wasn't for me, lol, ninaj'd you. Still, 6/10
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