ForumsGame Walkthroughskrinlabs colony guide (yes krin made colony so read this)

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234 posts

heres manual on krinlabs it may help

Colony Game Manual

Because you are ask too much in lobby chat, Colony's incomplete game manual.

Here is a quick run down of the game. When you start you can choose three governments. The only difference between them is the resource income you get. Here is what you get from each race every 5 seconds and the bonuses:

Capitalist: 5 Money, 3 Manpower, 2 Energy, extra resources for every resource building.
Fascist: 4 Money, 2 Manpower, 4 Energy, kills net you cash.
Communist: 3 Money, 5 Manpower. 2 Energy, 35% faster build apparently.

The game is set up for 2v2. You will control four bases, either on the left side or the right side of the field. You select a base and choose what to build.

You have four resources. Money, Manpower, Energy and the Purple thing, I think it stands for POWER! (its actually called influence but that doesn't sound as cool).

POWER! caps at 100, or so I heard, and you get it from building units and killing the dudes on the other side.

PROTIP: If you hold "Shift" when you select an option to build, the option is automatically put into auto-build mode, meaning that as soon as the order is finished, it will do it again if it has the resources. If it doesn't, it cancels the order. You can also cancel it manually at any time.

PROTIP: You can select your units on the field and give them orders, to Advance, Charge, Hold, or Fall Back. If you want to win, unit micro-management is key.

PROTIP: Use 'X' to toggle the rally point on or off.

PROTIP: Hotkeys are 1, 2, 3, 4 for the top row and Q, W, E, R for the bottom row.

Unit Tech Tree

Arms Branch (Outpost/Barracks/Arsenal)
Military building, units from this branch are usually human based and vehicle based. You can build Marines, Chronite Tanks, Medics, Snipers, Groditz, and Black Queens from this branch. Upgrading from Barracks to Arsenal requires that you have an Armoury though.

Robotics Branch (Forge/Manufactory/Mechanics Terminal)
Military building, units from this branch include andriods and fliers. You can build Romans, Scouts, Sakata Spiders, Sakata Mk II, Phantoms, and also create clones to boost your manpower. Upgrading from Manufactory to Mechanics Terminal requires that you have an Armoury though.

You need this building to make Meditecs. You can also boost your manpower by treating the ill. You can also summon 10 medics when you have enough POWER!

Bank (Can upgrade to Treasury)
Make money.

Generator (Can upgrade to Solar Grid)
Generates energy. The Solar Grid allows you to build a modded Sakatas from maximum POWER!

Requirement for Tier 3 building upgrades, and several units. Can be used to boost any resource, but at a slower rate and less in quantity than the Tier 2 resource buildings. It also builds a modded Phantoms from maximum POWER!

Special Operations
You can launch missiles from here. You can also summon a squad of 2 SpecOps, 4 Snipers and 2 Medics when you reach maximum POWER!


Built from: Outpost / Barracks / Arsenal
Armour: Light
Normal single damage against ground targets. Carry a ****load of stingers up their ***** and can pwn most air units that don't pwn them first.

Built from: Hospital
Armour: Much better than the Marines at least.
Same as the Marines but tougher. Probably trained by RUSSEL CROWE! Now isn't that scary?

Chronite Tank
Built from: Outpost / Barracks / Arsenal
Armour: Heavy
AoE damage against ground targets only. Great against groups of lightly armoured infantry. Will WTF PWN infantry that come in range.

Medic (Requires Hospital)
Built from: Hospital
Armour: Light
Can heal any friendly ground unit from a range. Has no attack!

Built from: Barracks / Arsenal
Armour: Light
Long range, armour-piercing attack, to both ground and air. Good as defence or support offence. Can out-range enemy base defences as well.

Groditz Walker (Requires Armoury, or Arsenal)
Built from: Barracks / Arsenal
Armour: Heavy
Rapid machine guns. Decent against all kinds of units.

Hover Tank
Built from: Arsenal
Armour: Medium
Fires deadly single-target armour piercing shells. Good against ground armour. No air weapons. ******* child of a Sniper and a Chronite Tank.

Black Queen
Built from: Arsenal
Armour: Heavy
Air Unit. Has strong singular anti-air missiles. Can drop a massive AoE anti-surface bomb from long range. Bombs has long reload time (10 seconds). Nukes will scratch the paint.

Built from: Forge / Manufactory / Mechanics Terminal
Armour: Medium
Decent ground attack rifle, with a minor splash radius. Cannot attack air. More durable than Marines, but less range.

Built from: Forge / Manufactory / Mechanics Terminal
Armour: Medium
Fast air unit. It has anti-armour weapons, for both ground and air, but does moderate damage. Medium rate of fire. Marines will **** them.

Built from: Manufactory / Mechanics Terminal
Armour: Medium
Spams bullets on to the surface, doing some AoE damage on ground targets. Best used against infantry. Cannot defend itself against other air units.

Modded Phantom
Built from: Armoury
Armour: Medium
Spams more damaging bullets and has more health. Great anti-surface unit. Does not have air defences though.

Sakata Spider
Built from: Manufactory / Mechanics Terminal
Armour: Heavy
Fast, heavily armoured androids. Single target weapon. Self-healing technology. Cannot attack air. Low health though.

Modded Sakata
Built from: Solar Grid
Armour: Heavy
A better, tougher, damage-ier Sakata that fires explosive rounds. Oh yeah.

Sakata Mk II
Built from Mechanics Terminal
Armour: Heavy
Same body as the Sakata Spider, except it has different weapons. It has anti-air cannons, but now cannot attack ground units.

Built from Mechanics Terminal
Armour: Heavy
The ultimate ground unit. NUKES CANNOT KILL RUSSEL CROWE! They don't even scratch him!

- SS

  • 12 Replies
191 posts

teh purple is influence or sth like that and u get it from moving your troops or as communist from kiulling enem<y troops

13,817 posts

Lige linked back to another thread, but this time it's not useless.

Here is a serious warning in bold for effect.

The guide was published on Krin's website. Since it is a manual, I think Krin made it himself. Anyway, it is not allowed to copy material from other sites without permission. Where is your permission? Did you ask the creator of the guide? Why did you have to post the entirety of it here? Couldn't you give a link? Even, if you did, it would still be pointless. You do not need to post the guide here for Krin, he can do that himself.

The end.

266 posts

Many stuff in that are not even true now due to balance changes.

272 posts

dude make sure you update this. And if this is copied from krins website or something, I think your going to get kicked soon

811 posts

Err, nice guide, but I already knew all this stuff.

2,165 posts

Way to go with necroing a months old thread >_>

He (giavanni) spammed this EVERYWHERE...comments, every single thread that had colony in it...

20,591 posts

The above.
Anyway, the manual is no longer helpful.

lalala12, pway

2,417 posts

Way to go with necroing a months old thread >_>

Must of used my ColonyIndex, in which I did leave a disclaimer, so my hands are clean
20,591 posts

You should discard useless threads.
Bronze, pway?

6 posts

this is just... fail. Seriously alot of errors from this guy.

144 posts

that is BY FAR the CRAPPIEST manual i have ever seen
i doubt this was made by krin
this was either from krin and you edited it HORRIBLY
or you just made this yourself

2,165 posts

GJ with necroing, AGAIN. Btw, if I already complained about the necro before, and it was posted a YEAR ago, why'd you necro it again?

This guide was writtedn by a member of krinlabs, not krin himself. By the SS signature at the bottom, it was SS of krinlabs. It was also VERY early on, where actual strategies haven't even developed yet, and people were still trying to find good ones.

Were there errors? Yes. For that time? Not much. For now? Quite a bit due to the changes that have taken place.

Anyways, good job on flaming a guide without even checking dates or common sense. Good job.

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