I thought of making a thread on the importance of an AG user as their are many thread like Rate the above user's fame etc.The rules are same. Just rate the importance of an AG user on this site above you!Enjoy- ~~~SonnyDude~~~
I don't know what hiatus means.6/10 knight.
6/10 for protecting us, because your a kinght.
10/10iPhones are super important my dad has one so I can phone him.
11/10 for saying Iphone is super important.
I haven't exactly seen you much, matter of fact, this is the first time, but Iphones RULE so 5/10.
I've been dormant for a year. and I didn't know Yoda was a dragon (Judging by your armatar) so 2/10 for not telling us you were a dragon. I'm kinda' bored..
Well, there's no Yoda armatars! >:O 3/10 for being ignorant.
Iphones back.Yoda, Yoda pwns all of the dark side.6/10
12/10 because iPhone's have cool apps for drinking fake beer so you can look cool in front of friend's and girls parents.
Klaus is essential to AG. 100/10
Knight gets...JK KoS, your eh... To be honest, not so important, no offense.2/10
Krizaz 0/10 for thinking you are better than KoS.Don't talk trash if you can't backitup.
Don't talk trash if you can't backitup.
Iphones back.
OMG 5/10 because NOBODY knows you lmfao
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