Program besides paint can I use to make Art. Please respond because this is my last thread. I know big disappointment and all, start crying. last time no Armorgames. But yeah what program would I use.
pleeeaaaseee respond i really need to know. sorry for double posting but please help
Ever tried GIMP?
SuperPaint is pretty old. Try it. It may or may not work.
Flash. Flash is actually worth owning. That is all. Only Flash. Nothing else.
Here are some recommended ones... Gimp < Highly recommended and is free Photoshop kinda expensive, but hey, ya might want itand those are about all that pop in my head...
Photoshop kinda expensive, but hey, ya might want it
It all truly depends on what kind of art you are looking to make.What kind of stuff do you make now and with what program?
Haha, Yeah 700 is pretty steep, but some people might consider it cheap... (Snobby rich bastards... >_>
Gimp is pretty cool, but it's hard to learn to use. But it's free!
thanks. alright bye guys. I officially quit I just needed these responses.
Try GIMP or Aviary. They're both free.
You should just buy flash,even though it's expensive...
hello, you still there?
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