Alright, I'm making a game in as2 because its a lot easier than as3. I've tried and looked for tutorials, but nothing has given me the right results yet. So my question is...
I want my characters in my flash game to move in the direction they are facing. I was told the equation had something like a math sine divided by angle, times speed, but that didn't work. Can someone help me out? thanks
I depends on how your characters move. Are they supposed to move only left and right like in a platformer or any direction possible. I'm assuming the latter.
I wrote Math.cos instead of Math.sin lol... my bad sry...
alright, it works now... but now I got another question
how would I code a function that acts with a variable? Like I want to make a function that loops itself every frame (40 times a second on my game) as long as a variable is == 1? the guy shoots a fireball, but he only can have one fireball in existence at one time, so I made a variable for it. Now I want to make the variable for as long as the fireball exists, it travels forward at <my speed>