Simple game of evolving your creature. Max of 5 people unless someone dies. You start as a cell evolving into a destructive creature. Simple game of life-and-death.
Character Sheet:
Name: Specie Name: eg.bacon,zorg,barney Element: Water, Fire, Ground, Air, bacon......XD Strength:0.1 Intelligence:0.1 Dexterity:0.1 Evolution Points:0/10 Current Class:Cell
GAMEPLAY: Max of 5 people. Person(s) is replaced if killed. Can only be killed at a certain evolution class.Each person is given an action. Choose. Faith will decide what will happen. MUST BE ACTIVE ON THE FORUMS AT ALL TIMES. INACTIVE PEOPLE WILL BE NAMED AS EXTINCT. Evolution points are gained through certain actions (killing,hunting,etc.)
Name: Storm Specie Name: Disgised Wolf Elament: Darkness Strangth: 0.1 Intelligence: 0.1 Dexterity: 0.1 Evolution Points: 9/10 Current Class: Mental Creature Stamina: 15/15
You suddenly feel strange. You feel stronger and slightly more intelligible. You walk on something hard. At first scared, you manage to find your balance. You get used to it and wonder what to do? be a very vicious predator, or be a smart being and live in peace with other creatures?
Choose Skill: Adept Learner-Allows you to hunt more efficiently giving you a wee bit more points! Rock Skin-More defense against wandering creatures while you rest.
Congrats! You have evolved into a Mental Creature. This meaning you will gain intelligence, strength, and dexterity through different actions!
A-Hunt B-Rest C-Look for a place to stay D-Explore your new surroundings
Name: bacon (lol) Specie Name: Awmilium Element: Electric Strength:0.1 Intelligence:0.1 Dexterity:0.1 Evolution Points:3/10 Current Class: Cell Stamina:7/10
You manage 3 stam! What a great sleeper you are.
Hunt or Rest?
Name: Storm Specie Name: Disgised Wolf Elament: Darkness Strangth: 0.1 Intelligence: 1.1 Dexterity: 0.1 Evolution Points: 9/10 Current Class: Mental Creature Stamina: 15/15 Skills: Adept Learner
You look for a place to stay. You find a cave. This is now your new home until further notice. You feel so proud of yourself don't you? +1 intelligence.
Name: Delvarian Specie Name: Hordanial Element: Fire Strength: 0.1 Intelligence: 0.1 Dexterity: 0.1 Evolution Points: 7/10 Current Class: Cell Stamina: 10/10
Name: Delvarian Specie Name: Hordanial Element: Fire Strength: 0.1 Intelligence: 0.1 Dexterity: 0.1 Evolution Points: 0/20 Current Class: Mental Creature Stamina: 5/10
You manage 3 points!
You grow stronger and seem smarter. You grow legs and arms. As you get used to it, you look at your surroundings. Everything seems bigger. What to do now?
Choose a skill Adept Learner A little somethin something when you hunt Rock Hard Skin Better protection when you rest. It's stronger than superman!