Hello everyone, Names Brigadier and I've had the urge to start a flash game. I've seen several good ones and several terrible ones and I want to take a shot at this.
I am an excessive gamer and know what makes most games good but I don't know a thing about action script.
Using Ruby with RMXP was difficult for me and I can't make heads or tails of action script.
I'm looking for either :
A. A Mentor who can help me along the way with making a basic game or...
B. A very good Tutorial to help get me started...
At the moment all I have is 20 days left on Adobe Flash CS3 Trial and I would like to learn before I commit to buying any Flash Programs.
Any help is welcome, Thanks in advance to you kind souls who help the poor noob.
I`d say 4 weeks of intensive training will get you making good games.As for a mentor well there are nice people out there but really if you want a mentor I doubt someone will waste a load of free time to do it without payment.
dude!! www.yoyogames.com ! its really good...im usin it and it teaches you exactly how to make specific games! its free too...it has all the recources for u in its game marker kit thing...it worked for me! try it out xD
cartoonsmart.com is good and cheap they have like everthing you need to make anything action script tutorials, graphics, shades, games you name it they have it and the tutorials are good to you can also sign up and get some free tutorials