ForumsProgramming ForumActionscript basis. What does the symbols mean?

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Really basic tutorial for all beginners that would know what all the symbols are for.

What does the semi kolon mean?
The semi colon means that a code is enden. Like if your writing "Stop();"
Then you can see that the semicolon is in the end of the code, thats because the code is ended.
SO semi colon symbolise the end of a statement!

What does the currly brackets mean?
The curly brackets basically start and end a certain function.
And serve group together statements.
onClipEvent() {
Cow = 4;
Cat = 12;
// Other processes

What does the assignment opertaor means?

The assignemt opertaor (=) means that one thing is something.
Cow = 7;
Now the value of a cow is 7.
You can also plus things so if you do like this:
Cow = 0;
Cat = 1;
Tiger = 2;
Cow = Cat + Tiger;

Now Cow has a value of 3

I hope you understanded a little.
It maked sense to me when i saw it.
Good luck

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