Hello there....I was wondering since the name of this section of the Community is "Programming Help"...can I or someone else use this forum for any other programming languages like HTML or CSS or PHP?
If so...then awesome! I was just curious and who knows...might get some people interested in other languages other than ActionScript(which I have no clue about).
They can, and occasionally do. It's just that since this is a game about Flash and Flash games, there are a lot of people asking about Flash, and a lot of people who know about it. Other languages are less known here, but surely there are people who know a thing or two... it never hurts to ask, in any case!
(I myself know a bit about AS2/3, PHP, CSS and HTML... see?)
Thanks guys...I was curious myself wondering why people don't just post other languages but yeah you guys are right...this is a flash site so lots of flash...I wish I could help others but since I don't have flash I can't...
It would be awesome if you post your questions here I guess. I'm in a class that is learning Java and I just got Flash CS4 so I'm happy and will now learn yet another language!
_____________________________________________________________________ AP Computer Science should be a foreign language class!
in progjava and taking progjava honors next semester. hai fyve!
Oh nice job...hai fyve!
Anyway it is good that you guys know all this stuff. I think that some people just get intimidated when they think of posting another language because they will be overcome by AS!
_____________________________________________________________________ AP Computer Science should be a foreign language class.