Post your own killer fortress or try your hand at crushing the castles of others. For users posting their own creations, please consider the following guidelines:
Give your castle a title. This will allow other members to easily reference it in their comments. Show off your work with a screenshot. A great tool for screenshots and videos is Jing. Provide a description or hint. If your castle has any notable features or specific tactics make sure to let people know about them. Don't forget your link. Simply copy the link directly from the Crush the Castle Players Pack editor and paste it in your post.
We had a ton of fun making this game and are really looking forward to seeing what you can do! Who knows, me may even use it in another version of the game.
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How to Load a Castle:
Simply click on a shared castle link and you will be directed to the game immediately. The game will then load the castle take you right to the editor. Click Test Castle when it's loaded to try it out. It's just that simple!
How to Save a Castle:
Start up the Build and Share area.
Build your castle and click Share when you area ready.
works as long as you don't do a reset. If you want to start over you have to click edit castle and then test castle. If you just click reset king and princess die without ever firing a shot. I was able to bring the king down with just one shot of the small pebble, and kept the queen quietly sleeping alive. No one in their right mind wants to disturb the queen when she is getting her beauty sleep.
Nicely done on the construct. Fun castle to watch and fun objective to boot.
It is a beautiful day as the king lines up his three prostituting whore daughters for execution. Their mother had led them into this occupation but had slipped away before the king could bring her to meet his awful justice. All his men had gone to war so he got out his ancestor's old weaponry and lined up the three tarts at a distance with their hands tied and took a moment to lite up a smoke. "It's a nice day to die." he says in a satisying tone as the three tarts stand silently unaware of the purpose of the strange contraption. The queen, sneeks unseen behind the device, ponders what she can do to stop the mad king, and sabatoges the firing mechanism. The weapon will not fire so you, faithful squire, must aim carefully and fling a small bomb (SB) with the trebuche to trigger the king's gun. Did the queen make a fatal mistake? Will she stop the carnage? Find out.
@cmptrgeek01 and CourtJester Sorry about the trouble there. It all worked for me and I tested it many times before posting. The king wobbles just a bit but stays put. The package flies up and lands on the step at his feet. The dead courier tips the queens plank slightly (hard to see, I had to plan that blind) causing her to faint.
Some one is going to die but who the king the queen. Try to guess before hitting test castle. Then kill the survivor. Try to figure what to use to kill the other with the spear.
@chupie - on packaged delivery, it worked for me and then I realised I had another game running under test mode. When I put that in edit mode, the board hit the king. On execution day, the two stakes killed the first two princesses and the shock of seeing her sisters dead killed the last one. Now, the traitorous mother - aha, I fired a pebble, hit the board behind the king to end her faithless life and king lived happily ever after.
@cmptrgeek - do you mean to kill the king with the same stake that killed the queen? Hmmmmm...
Circus Act II Somethin's Gotta Give! @cmptrgeek01, In this version, the circus troupe is shorthanded and goes on the road without all the pieces of their tower. As the saying goes, The Show Must Go On", so they build it best as they can and hope for the best. But while the lone acrobat performs below, the high wire act goes into action. But something is terrible wrong. Watch to see if anyone survives the horrific accident.
OMG! Is this the end?? FYI: It worked repeatedly for me. (LOL)
@courtjester no i meant edit the castle and switch the wall unit that fires the spear so that its trajectory changes and kills the king instead. It could be interesting to try and get the spear to kill the king as well maybe possible with a well placed bomb. will have to play with that.
Haeart was misspelled. LOL How did he catch it? In my game he takes it the back of the neck, mobster style. In your version, one time the slow roller sent the spear high and it stabbed the king directly in the top of the head. Wish it hasd stuck. LOL