Post your own killer fortress or try your hand at crushing the castles of others. For users posting their own creations, please consider the following guidelines:
Give your castle a title. This will allow other members to easily reference it in their comments. Show off your work with a screenshot. A great tool for screenshots and videos is Jing. Provide a description or hint. If your castle has any notable features or specific tactics make sure to let people know about them. Don't forget your link. Simply copy the link directly from the Crush the Castle Players Pack editor and paste it in your post.
We had a ton of fun making this game and are really looking forward to seeing what you can do! Who knows, me may even use it in another version of the game.
Note: When posting images please use the image button in the form below and provide the URL to your screen shot. We do not allow raw HTML tags nor do we host images. If you need a place to host your images online consider one of the many photo sharing services.
How to Load a Castle:
Simply click on a shared castle link and you will be directed to the game immediately. The game will then load the castle take you right to the editor. Click Test Castle when it's loaded to try it out. It's just that simple!
How to Save a Castle:
Start up the Build and Share area.
Build your castle and click Share when you area ready.
movin' on up (with king added to tall tower and a guard was on the short tower) Here the princess and queen replace the king and guard. Sadly, all killed, lol
@chupie - that's why it took me two months off and on to figure out "Rock Flip"!!! I played with it a bit and got her alive to the tower but she fell over! The queen always was crushed!!
Shaft! While you're trying to figure out a new acrobat trick, here is a single pea (SS) challenge, not too tifficult, but funny. Don't damage the castle, just kill all the guards and the king. If you miss, keep throwing peas, but the shaft may begin to close from the armament battering. As an alternate, try to destroy the castle and all within with a single small bomb (SB).
Slip a small bomb under the spike platform to start the fire works!
I saw the Shaft Castle in the shares and knew that someone on this thread made it! Nice work! I just blasted it away with TSB's ha ha ha - quite the mess! Now I will try it with instructions.
You'll need to use something stronger than peas to knock this one down. Unfortunately, the sharing service messed it up and it killed the top knight. Since he doesn't really add much to the level anyway, you may as well just ignore him and his dying ways...
@chupie - some of us do "circus acts" because we are bored... What you and Ernie are creating have sparked some interest in castles that need specific armament to disable in one or two shots (or more). I wonder what the shares geeks think when they see a creation like the stuff that comes from CtCPP?
The maximum number of shots for gold should be 5.
BTW Ernie, I had a perfectly good creation totally destroyed by the shares! It took me two hours to fix it and, I still haven't beat your last levels - shame on me! I will tho!
@ Ernie, Outdoor fireplace nice. No instructions so I started with SS pea and after a few low fastballs got one over the plate and got the double play. Is Flip flop candle top a completed construct? I thought someone was supposed to land up there but I guess the plan is to use the candles a s weaponry. I blew out the candles with MS and got the knight. LOL