ForumsGame WalkthroughsDodge tactics

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Hi guys.
Pretty easy game, but i saw some of my friends think it was difficult, so maybe some of you guys also thought

Ways to win the levels
Slow and easy way to win:
To win slow and easy, simply just go after one enemy at time.
Collect some red bullets flying after you, and then fly just beside the one you want to attack. Des stronger the enemies are, des more bullets you need to collect to kill them on the first attack.

Quick and difficult way to win:
To win quick, and a bit more difficult, collect even more bullets, and look for a space just between two enmies.
Then fly between them, and try to get the bullets hit to at same time.
On this metode, you need to collect as many as you can, to be sure on killing more enmies at the same time.

Some information
Yellow things
Yellow dragons need two red shots to die.
One green shot can also do it .

Blue things
The blue things need three red shots to die.
One green shot can also do it .

Green things
Green things need two red shots to die.
One green shot can also do it .

Purple things
Needs two or three red shots, im not quite sure, your welcome to tell us here in this thread.
And i dunno with green shots, your also welcome to tell us in this thread .

When to buy life?
I recommend you to only buy life when you have a small amount back.
Dont buy if you think you can survive the next level without

Your welcome to come with feedback on these tactics.
Also suggestions to my next walktrough thread


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