ForumsProgramming ForumRotational Constraints

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I've programmed a shooter thingy to rotate towards the mouse and fire missiles on mouse clicks. Now what I need to do is limit the rotation of the shooter thingy so it doesn't rotate beyond a minimum angle and a maximum angle.

Any suggestions?

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30 posts

Well, what I do in my game is just denying the atribuation of the angle between mouse and the weapon to the weapon's angle itself when
the limits are reached. In my game, I'll weapons are nested inside the hero, that's why I get the angle like that:

//All this is done inside your ENTER_FRAME envent which rotation //your weapon

//Calculates the position of the weapon and gets its angle
this.angleBetweenMouseWeapon = Math.atan2(parent.mouseY - this.y, parent.mouseX - this.x);

//Transform from radians to degrees
this.angleBetweenMousePistol *= (180/Math.PI);

//Now, if the limits are reached, in this case I did between 45 //degrees and -45 degrees you do the atribuations
if (angleBetweenMouseWeapon <= 45 && angleBetweenMouseWeapon >= -45)
//rotation Weapon;
weapon = angleBetweenMousePistol;

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