I worked on this game for quite some time. Probably a good 20-30 days of work on it. This is my first ever large scale game and has a functioning high score system by rankz.armorbot. (went down long time ago)
I didn't perfect everything yet but I am working on it so criticism is welcome. I am more worried right now about coding problems and glitches than making the jumping and collision detection perfect.
I also used a template from flashvillage.com to create a little movie about the making of the flash game and what goes into creating something like this.
Working much better, and the 4th level was quite entertaining. There still seem to be some detection issues, primarily with the smaller blocks, as there are times when visually the character lands on the block, yet he falls through. Also the secret at the ending screen is a pain in the neck!! (cause I couldn't find it :P) Other than that, it's wonderful. A major improvement over your earlier versions.
Game is really good, it's super mario, but i don't care. This really should get to armor games site, because i really like it. You can try to get the music to start at the same time as the game, some block falling thru problems, and some polishing and bug fixing. can't wait to see it on armor, if you are going to put it here
I completed 4-5 levels, and have some new advices: Those box with coins should work a little difrent, when you hit it you instantly get coins, not to jump again ( above the box ) to get them. As for cannon that blasts the cage in LVL 2, if there is instructions, i'm sorry for not seeing them, but if there isn't one, players can have a problem with controling the cannon ( BTW your hint is good, but it doesn't say how ). Third level is total success i love it ! How ever, you could make a smooth line of background, because of the jumping from screen to screen, that can be confusing and easy to make mistakes. Finaly, i really don't like the looks of those green enemies in alien level. I didn't mean to say it's bad or anything, i really like it, this is just friendly advice
MRWalker, Thanks! I am still trying to improve the collision detection but I may be reaching the limits of the engine I started with. For the credit screen secret you need to gain 1500 points on the credit screen. The score is kept in the bottom right hand corner of the level.
Kusic, Thanks for the support! The coins come down onto the activated block when it is touched. I did not want to make it instant in my game. For the cannon blast in level two, I did not want to give too much information about how to get out of the jail because I wanted it to be somewhat of a challenge. If you know what to do it can be done in less than five seconds once it's figured out.
It's a good game, but I still can't help thinking it would be better if you got rid of the mario theme and did your own, origianal graphics... Maybe you don't wan't to, its just my opinion, but I think its good.
Popsnapper, thanks for the support, tell them to submit their high scores!
Mike, thanks! I used Flash and Photoshop.
P051D3N, I agree but I do not have the time right now to complete that task. I have been working sporadically on the game so hopefully I can accomplish that. The main thing I want to do is get rid of mario and create an original character in the near future.
I decided to scrap some of the instructions for a tutorial animation that explains it better than I could with a page full of text. I made a couple other notable improvements over the last version.
1. Removed all text from second page of instructions and replaced with a full tutorial animation. Removed break bricks as an objective of the game as it is not.
2. Decided to make it more relevant when the gun is picked up. Now the character will have the gun out while jumping, walking, running, and idling.
3. Populated inside of UFO and created exit scenario. The middle of the UFO will now pull the player into the warp halos on the ceiling to transport them outside of the UFO.
4. Added tip for beating 4th level if door is still unlocked after 100 seconds.
5. Lowered credit screen score requirement to 1000 points for unlocking developers mode at end of game.
6. Started adding credits to game ending screen and repositioned some objects.
I am still going to be changing out some of the graphics/animations for some more original stuff. I am open to suggestions for the graphics and programming so don't be afraid to give your input.
Well, the only suggestion I can give you is to make stuff as flat as possible, don't waste your time to make fancy 3d like effects, shadows, etc. Think about the best games here, fancy pants, exit path, armor mayhem. Only pure 2d stuff.
Well, the only suggestion I can give you is to make stuff as flat as possible, don't waste your time to make fancy 3d like effects, shadows, etc. Think about the best games here, fancy pants, exit path, armor mayhem. Only pure 2d stuff.
Gab, thanks for the advice. I originally had this 3D idea in my head, but as soon as I started programming all of it, I quickly went back to the 2D style. The new characters and enemies I will be working on won't be too fancy either.
New version with a ton of improvements to the programming and game itself. The game now saves your high score, player name, difficulty setting, quality setting, mute setting, and blood setting. Mario has been completely replaced with a new character, my friend Laz. A new weapon has been added to the game also. Breakable bricks are fixed to where the character cannot break them unless they are jumping. I will list out the other improvements as there are so many.
1. Save state for high score, player name, difficulty, quality, mute, blood.
2. Mario character completely replaced with new custom character. My friend posed for the shots and I photoshopped him into the games frames.
3. New weapon added to the game, a shuriken.
4. Blood added to the enemies along with coins. Blood can be turned on at the start of the game or in the pause screen. Also added new eye ally/waypoint marker. The eyes cannot be killed, but will give coins if hit with the shuriken.
5. Five, yes I said FIVE secret areas which are reachable by going down the correct pipes in the levels. Stand on top of the pipe and press down to enter them. There are five in the first three levels.
6. Fixed multiple game breaking glitches regarding screen and character position.
7. Added help messages for the gun, secret chest, and shuriken. Also cleaned up in game prompts by adding a fade to them.
8. Fixed the running when falling bug, and the infinite run idle bug.
9. Improved credits screen, added more credits, fixed timer and score positions. Added enemy/ammo tally and in game ranking based on your score. The rankings go in this order: Baby Ninja Coin Collector Coin Magnet Coin Master Ninja in Training Yellow Belt Brown Belt Black Belt Super Ninja Master Ninja Ultimate Ninja
10. Upped the extreme bonus (finishing without killing one enemy by dropping the TNT package onto the UFO on the last level) to 3500 points. It is hard to achieve but can be done, timing the drop of the TNT is a 20-25% chance if you don't know the pattern of the UFO.
11. Expanded and recoded devmode/god mode feature. Now features a moon jump, god mode with revealing enemy/boss positions, and an expanded debug console which shows the variables used in the game in real time (may be slow on some computers but if it is not used it is not running).
That pretty much covers most of the major updates I did on the game. Make sure to turn the blood on if you'd like, I have it turned off by default for general audiences. I don't think there are a ton of other bugs in the game besides the ground/wall glitches that are due to the hitTest function but I haven't smoothed those out since changing the character yet. I still plan on changing the goomba enemies and the koopa enemies but have left them unchanged so far and am open to ideas.