ArmorGamer (Just a name, no effect) Rank: Troll, Badger, and Spammer At Once (Ups each 3 levels. ONLY I can change the rank.) Level: 1 (Your level. When XP reaches the given amount, you Level-Up!) XP: 0/10 (Every poster MUST up this by the XP Multiplier once a post.) $$: $0 (Used to buy multipliers. Something happens if you get $1 Million... But focus on the multipliers first.) XP Multiplier: 1 [$50] (Amount of XP you get per post.) $$ Multiplier: 1 [$70] (Amount of money added per post.)
RULES: No spam No spam EVERYBODY uses the exact same sheet. Everyone can upgrade multipliers whenever they want (if they have enough money) except me. Will the first poster remove ALL () parantheses in the sheet?
I'm off to bed. See you tomorrow!
*INSPIRED BY: Firetail-madness's (dead) An Armorgamers Level UP.*
ArmorGamer Rank: Major Spammer Level: 5 XP: 50/53 $$: $56 XP Multiplier: 2 [$110] $$ Multiplier: 1 [$70]
Wow. Almost rank up! And you would almost have enough for the $$ Multiplier, but too bad! You cannot upgrade ANYTHING til this voting round is over. Next unique voter will decide.
I feel bad about having to bump this. If I had a picture of Spam (you know, that food in a tin can, I thought it was fish or something) I would post it here.
My GOD. HOW MANY F-ING TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT YOU DONT JOIN! You update the previou8s user's sheet for gods sake! The sheet you have to update is on the previous page. Once again, WE'RE ALL THE SAME PLAYER!
schizo-what? Fo schizo my nischo? jk. Nvm. Bad English vocabulary cuz I'm from Holland. Back to the point, look at all the other pages, including page 8.
RANK UP! Rank after this will be positive. All right, the voting is taking too long. Next poster can call a vote whether he has called one b4 or not. Remember, the Random Events add some spice to the game and earn you money and XP prizes. The Multiplier just adds a bit of money every post.