You have to have your site hosted by...well a hosting company. You will have to pay this company to host your site. Your domain( is also something you will have to pay for.
Next, actually before you even by space for a website, you need to know AT LEAST HTML, CSS(for making the site look better). Or if you already know AS(whichever version), you can just embed you swf file. If you want dynamic sites(with logins, and stuff like that) you need to know PHP.
Buy a domain and some space. Learn HTML, MYSLQ, PHP and XHTML. Also dream weaver and flash work very nicely but you can use either independetly. You also don't really need to learn all those languages I listed above but it you want to make something really good then you should learn those.
freewebs is easier than learning how to use css html myslqand others. plz dont call me a noob with computers. u r just a nerd if you do for knowing so much about it.