So here's how you play I'll give you guys a clue then you figure out what it is. So let's begin:I am a mountain with no rocks,I am a desert with no sand,I am an ocean with no water.What am I.
Are you sure?
O.K. lets see here.. no sand... in a desert.. no water.. in an ocean that would make you a book-mark wait there is no water. DARN. well i give up
lalala12 is right!RANK:alpha 4 pointswhimsy 2 pointssonicheroes 1 pointlalala 1 pointHere is another riddle:I cry with a burning heart.What am I?
Someone on fire?
No Alpha.
Ummmmmm..... Someone that is crying with major heartburn?
Here's a clue I am only one word well actually two if you put a at the beggining
CLosest thing i have is a grenade...or a fire...
a heartbeat
lalala12 is so close!
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