Hello, I'm currently finishing of a pseudo 3d first person shooter in flash called "Coon Crisis" (it's about zombie racoons), and after all this work and nearly having the project finished I have run into a major problem...
I was using Armor bot to hold my scoreboard... unfortunatly the system closed down... Now I have to try and find a substitute that armor games will allow (I want to try to gain sponsorship here). I've tried to use a PHP scoreboard hosted on a "freehostia.com" site which works fine in flash, but when I export it claims it can't access the url because of security reasons and asks me to allow through the flash webpage...
I tried the "System.security.allowDomain()" command, but it didn't seem to help. Am I using it wrong?
I just want my scoreboard working for the game. Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?
i've been reading through many pages to try and solve my problem but I can't find anything.
I've been trying to get the PHP score table to work. The weird thing is that when I run the file inside flash 8 (I have flash 8), the score table is accessed and read, but when I try the exported swf file, it doesn't.
If I try and set the "local playback security" to "access local files only" it warns me that I have to go to the flash settings webpage and allow this website.
If I set it to "access network only", then no error or warning pops up but there is no sign of any connection to the web site.
Is this sound like a problem with my coding or could it be some security setting with windows XP? I really don't understand. I really need some help.