1.I need help with some scripting that i can't really do, i need to attach my weapon to the character, i have made the weapon and i can rotate it and here is the script:
2.I would also like to make the buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as weapon buttons, as an example: 1: glock, 2: uzi, 3: mp5, 4: Sniper, 5. bazooka. But i don't want the people to have them all at the beginning, i want them to buy them for kills at the end of the level.
3. How do i make my enemies have more hp or less hp? And how to make the the weapons shoot faster and slower, more dmg and lesser dmg.
I know this is kinda much but this is all the things i don't really understand atm, thanks for reading and if you can help, please do.
Using _root. will allow your code to work but learning to use _root. for everything is HIGHLY frowned upon. Relative referencing is the practiced method but _root. will work for one movie.
Hello, i need help again :P. But this time it aint so big.
You know you said you could make the things invisible and visible, but how do you make like; i want to make a shop where i can buy weapons but there is a problem... The shop is on another layer so how do i enable the visible things when scripting in another layer, :S?
You could use _root.shop._visible = true; or something along those lines. If you can't use script in a layer to do things to objects in other layers for some reason, you could export a movieclip that always exists (like your main character) for actionscript, and make a class for it. You could put some of the script in this instead of in a frame or on a movieclip.
Nono that is not what i mean :P, i know that simple script. ^^ I mean i click a button and then the weapon goes visible on another frame , like you buy a weapon and when you bought it you have to click continue so don't go right to the mission when "buy" button is clicked. What i mean is that the "glock" is going visible on frame 51 when clicking buy button on frame 657 ^^
because i don't want it to be like if you click the buy button you go to the nezt frame and start to play, i want it to be like the shop of: http://armorgames.com/play/3454/penguinz
but just the shop(not the graphics) but the script ^^