ForumsGame WalkthroughsInfectonator

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Hi this is my first Walkthough of the game: Infectinator

The Menu Screen

In most games this is where you get a few option to choose from. Like Play, Control, and Credits and those kinds of things, But not Infectinator You can see Zombies chasing civillans and soldiers fighting the zombies. When a zombie gets a person it kills the person and leaves lots of money. Put your mouse over the coins to collect it. That money will now count as starting money you will have in the game. Once i started of with $3000.

When you get bored just press "Start Infecting!" Which begins the tutorial.

The Tutorial

Make Sure you collect the money the women drop when they die, this also counts as money for the actaul game! Here you can also see the money you've made from the Menu screen. Now, just follow the Tutorial Instructions, learn how to play and brace yourself for the REAL game.

Also please note that the zombies die eventaully on their own and that not all of the humans who get infected with the zombies virus will turn into Zombies, they may just die.


Here you must kill 6 People. There are only 10 people there so this will be easy. But you may not get it on your first go.

After a level or if all the zombies die screen will come up asking you what you want to upgrade. Here are your options:


LifeSpan: The zombies already start with a 5 second lifespan.... If you fully upgrade this it can get to 10 seconds, it's a waste of money.

Speed: The Zombies beginning speed is a mere 30. But you can get it up to 120 if you fully upgrade it , which is crazy fast. I would seriously recomend this.

DMG Resistance: The Zombies HP starts with 200 (ONE SHOT ONE KILL WITH ANY GUN!!) But if fully upgraded, it can reach 1100HP, which is seriously needed against soldiers, Men in Black and commando's, as for the cops, not so much...

Attack: Pretty much pointless, Only upgrade this a little bit, Men in Black take a tiny bit more time but Commando's take a while to bring down as they have lot's of HP...

Infection Chance: This is really important! You start with a 30% Chance the virus will spread to the dead human and turn them into a zombie, But if fully upgraded it can become an 80% Chance!!


First Priority: Speed
Second Priortiy: Damage Resistance
Third Priortiy: Infection Chance
Fourth Priortiy: Lifespan
LAST Priority: Attack

DAY 7:

Meet the Cops. This is why you needed all that DMG Resistance. Also say hello to Cars, your new best friend for the moment, if a cops fires at the car by accident
(Which ussaully happens) Lot's of Coins will come out.

DAY 9:

Say hello to the Army Soldiers, those Cops needed Back-up!
This level may be hard but stick with it. On this level your probably going to earn The Gold Digger III achievements, which rewards you with a bonus $100,000!!

Now, use the money wisely now. Upgrade the Money collecting radius until it's maxed (should cost you $12,000). Then Upgrade the Virus Will Be Able To Penetrate Walls for $10,000

Now, you know what i said about Priority remember? Increase the Speed to the MAX!! If you've been following my Priority beofore this should cost about $80,0000'ish

Then Increase the DMG resistance until you can't any more, then spend the left overs on Infection Chance. Then spend the leftover money of the Infection Chance on the Lifespan... And then if you have ANY money left over spend it on Attack. And for some reason if you still have like $2000 - $4000 Left then spend it on Virus Spread and maybe even 1 Grenade if you want.

Your STATS should look something like this:


Welcome to "The Men in Black". These guys can't be infected by the orginal virus you make.


Here come the Commando's!! Same goes with the MIB for the virus thing. These guys also drop a ton of money (around $2000 each i would say)

LEVEL 13/b] Well, i made it to Day 13. You only get 60 Seconds of gameplay you know. There are only 13 Levels so i died on the last level.


MASS MURDERER I : $5,000 Reward ( Kill 25 )
MASS MURDERER II: $10,000 Reward ( Kill 50 )
MASS MURDERER III: $20,000 Reward ( Kill 100 )

DEATH TO HEROES: $20,000 Reward ( Kill 1 Heroe )

GOLD DIGGER I: $10,000 Reward ( Collect 10K )
GOLD DIGGER II: $50,000 Reward ( Collect 50K )
GOD DIGGER III: $100,000 Reward ( Collect 100K )

INFECT: $10,000 Reward ( Infect 50 )
INFECTOR: $20,000 Reward ( Infect 100 )
INFECTINATOR!: $50,000 Reward ( Infect 200 )

Well that's my guide to Infectinator. Tell me what you think of it, it's my first guide so it may be bad. You are allowed to post your own Guides and tell your own Tips here.

- DannyDaNinja

  • 5 Replies
61 posts

Extremely easy however I disagree with the priority.

It should be:

Infection Chance
Damage Resistance
Life Span

With how I played the game, I beat it in under 15 minutes. I also collected all the "medals" except the Zombie World one.

554 posts


i cant get out of the upgrade screen plz help

1,026 posts

Bottom right. There's a button to push.
I will not comment about this.


i cant get out of the upgrade screen plz help
36 posts

That game was very easy and i earned the hardest achievement in10 minutes but it is fun

47 posts

this game is great

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