I was thinking about making a new game, when I thought "What game would the players like?". Well, now I don't have to just think and assume. This is a place where people can request to have an RPG made, and if it gets enough votes, then I will make it. Here is the procedure for submission: 1. Movement of an idea. 2. Seconding of the idea. 3. Vote. 4. Verdict. If their request is taken, the person who first suggested the RPG will have an automatic saved spot on it. Now, let it begin.
Medieval zombie game. All zombie games are modern, but I wanna have paladins spreading their holy power over the masses of undead, have pikeman digging their pikes into the ground, preparing for war.
I had an idea, but with school, I cant run it.Soo heres me idea... Casino Life Basiclly, you have to live in Las Vegas, Nevada, and bet for money.Its your only way of surving, mostly because you cannot find a job with the US hardship going on.Its the overall idea though
Hey Moat, remember that game from oh so long ago, the gang one? Not sure how vague that was, but could you make one like that? I don't even remember if you made it. Do you know the name?
I just looked back over my post, and man was that uninformative.
Ah... okay, one like that. And not just one where you are a member of a gang, but where you have as much control over specificity. Pretty good storyline, too.
Vote: So far im for medieval zombie game. (Just thought i should keep updated with what i like most at the time being.)
Proposition: A achievement game it would completely based on achievements it has different levels all set up with different objectives. There wont be VERY short levels and the levels will be possible to fail and not mini if possible maybe 100 achievements with 1 hour of playing time?
will it take to long to make? would it be a bad game to play? is it a good idea?
The Nightside, rpg version. If anyone has read the series, you know it's very good. Look it up if you haven't. You explore the city as any other citizen, in the heart of London, except you've lived in this city for your whole life. You know tricks of all sorts that most tourists wouldn't even consider. But only you can decide if your going to be a being of power or a slum on the street like many are.
I second Casino. Maybe you could kind of combine that with the gang thing? Like you get your money from gambling, but you also have to live on the streets and stuff?