ForumsProgramming ForumCreating New Game???

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Hi. I am 10 years old. I want to know how to create a new game? Flash or another software?


  • 24 Replies
66 posts

Meh, I started programming at 12 and I never gave up. It all depends on your real motivation I guess.

You should use Adobe Flash (any version) and look for actionscript 2 tutorials. With good tutorials you can make a nice little game.

5 posts

Good for you, kid -- but keep in mind, making a game is definitely not as easy as playing them! I'm 22 now and I've been working with Flash in college for about 3 years. The best advice that I can give you is this:

A) Focus on your art for the time being. Making a game requires a lot of software knowledge, all of which you'll have plenty of time to learn. The one thing that's much harder to learn is artistic talent. Take drawing classes, keep a sketchbook, and constantly work to improve your art. That way, once you finally have the opportunity to make games, you'll have some awesome artwork to put in them!

B) Programming languages like C++, JavaScript, and ActionScript (Flash) have a lot in common, but if you've never taken a formal programming class, it's kinda like trying to teach yourself to read German without knowing German. I suggest you enroll yourself in the first programming class your school offers. This may not be available to you for a couple more years, but most high schools now have some sort of basic programming course. Definitely take it, no matter what the language might be. Once you have a good elementary understanding of the way programming works, picking up another language should be a piece of cake! I can testify as to this much.

Also, listen to your parents, do your homework, and eat your breakfast.

I look forward to playing your games someday!

2,763 posts

but most high schools now have some sort of basic programming course. Definitely take it, no matter what the language might be. Once you have a good elementary understanding of the way programming works, picking up another language should be a piece of cake! I can testify as to this much.

This is what basically happend to me in picture form.

Seriously learned nothing it's really AP courses or nothing. Well maybe get a free block and teach yourself.
1,207 posts

Hi. I am 10 years old. I want to know how to create a new game?

It's going to be difficult if you do not know Flash yet. Flash is a language that has a pretty strict syntax as far as I can tell (the way you order all the words) and many capabilities meaning it will take you a while to learn how to use all of it's features effectively. You're looking at a many months to maybe a few years before you can make a decent game. A few more years and you may have mastered Flash. Then, you probably won't be able to hire artists, animators and sound development team, so then you'll have to get GIMP, some decent animation software and some programs (Magix, Cubebase etc.) or you'll have to learn a few musical instruments.

To be honest I don't know if Flash has it's own animation capabilities and the ability to make a sounds track, but even then that's going to cost you £470. Well, unless you torrent it.

Flash or another software?

Well if CS4 or 5 doesn't have anything but an area to develop your code you're going to need individual bits of software to complete a game rather than just have Flash CS#.

There are other ways to make games out there like Gamemaker which is much easier than learning Flash but they'll be saved as executables and you won't be able to upload them to Armor Games, if that was your ambition Gamemaker is not your choice.

You could build a game in most programming languages, but I would assume that you have not learnt any of the more complex programming languages that would allow for development of a game?

Ha ha, your 10, don't you have to 13 to be on here?

He seems sensible enough. And I'm only 12. I don't see the problem with age as long as you don't start screwing around too much or breaking the rules.

Flash is hard and boring. At your age it will be a miracle if you don't give up when the tough get's going.

If he's determined he might be able to get the basics. I doubt he'll understand all of Flash (i.e actually understand why what he's writing works, rather than simply know what it does) at the age of 10. If he's inexperienced with other programming languages it might be a little harder for him to understand, but I'm sure he could use the tutorials and his common sense well enough to make a game at 10.
215 posts

You want to make a game? Here's what to do:

If you want to make a professional looking game right away, don't bother trying. Your first game will most likely be junk. I'm not being mean, that's just how it is. You won't know enough codewise, and it's just going to be a hassle.

If you still want to make a game, you can do one of two things: Flash or cheaper software. They both have benefits: Flash has decent animation and drawing tools, while cheaper stuff like Flex Builder? and FlashDevelop don't have those, but are cheaper. Then find a tutorial and do it so you can learn a bit of the language. Then find another tutorial. Repeat until you feel you could make something, then make it.

355 posts

OK kid the thing about makeing a vidio game is it is broken down into a few steps,
1.the crappy boring code part(75%)
2.reppetitive art*for different movments and actions* (15%)
3.testing the game *doing everything possible that somone would do and fix the glithes*(10%)

that is befor the rellese
after then you ahve to
1.fix bugs
2.keep up with the bugs
3.if you have time make a sequil

its not easy me and a friend did it and it was hard for 5 13 year olds to keep up then the game was removed so the thing is it will be extremly hard 4 u

sorry for bad english im typeing at 75words+ per minute

215 posts

sorry for bad english im typeing at 75words+ per minute

So, you don't proofread? I type fast, but I make sure it's legible.
468 posts

So, you don't proofread? I type fast, but I make sure it's legible.

Ditto. (Not the pokemon, but, you know... Ditto means same.)
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