I've seen a few hundred posts asking how to make a game, and no responses showing how to do it for free, so I'll help out anyone who seriously wants to program a game in Actionscript, and not spend $699 on Flash CS3.
1) Download the Flex 3 SDK from Adobe's website. This includes the mxmlc.exe compiler to create SWF files. Cost: $0.00
2) Download the latest version of FlashDevelop. It'll really help with writing actionscript, organizing files, and using mxmlc.exe, the SWF compiler included in the Flex 3 SDK. Cost: $0.00
3) Read up on programming in Actionscript 3.0 (or 2.0 if you want). Senocular has a great intro to using mxmlc.exe and as3 here.
The downside? You have to import all your graphics, or draw things in code.
those of you who are saying that this is the wrong way of doing things and i should just get the 700 dollar CS3 thing, wow. I dont have that kind of money, I need that for food.
Not having the money doesn't mean you should do things wrong. Just cause you can't afford a plane, do you go out and try and jump off a cliff in a cardboard plane? No.
i draw stickman stuff might sa well make a stickman game and live in fame :} yayyayayay i dunno wat to do with the game this website dont get many hits on the stickman games and crazy monkey games dont let u submit :{