You are telling ss to go to a certain position, not to change positions, so unless ss is moving on its own, it will perform the hittest more than once, but it won't look any different.
If you are telling it to move on its own, unless "ss" is a variable for an object, you need to use or something like that when referring to it in the if statement. And if you are using ss as a variable for an object, you shouldn't have "" inside the if function.
And, in case that doesn't work, is this code in a class or on a movieclip or on a frame?
I am doing it in a frame, but i want it to go to a certain position and it only does it once and i am moving the movie clip with the arrow keys (ss is a variable for a movie clip)
This probably won't make any difference whatsoever, but try using function onEnterFrame(){ instead of onEnterFrame = function(){ Are you sure this frame is "active" when you are trying the hittest a second time?
I don't see anything wrong with that code then. Something is probably changing after ss hits c2 the first time that it preventing it from running the hittest the second time, like you changing a variable or something... Is there something before the hittest like if(...){ if(ss.hitTest(_root.c2)){ ss._x = -49.4; } }